Saturday, May 23, 2020
The Pros and Cons of Standardized Testing - 1050 Words
One of the biggest topics in the educational world is standardized tests. All fifty states have their own standards following the common core curriculum. There are many positives and negatives that go with the standardized tests. A standardized test is any type of â€Å"examination thats administered and scored in a predetermined, standard manner†(Popham, 1999). These standardized tests are either aptitude tests or achievement tests. Schools use achievement tests to compare students. There are pros to standardized examinations as tools for gaining information about student’s literacy strengths and weaknesses that can influence instruction. A pro to standardized examinations is that every student in the same state will take the same tests.†¦show more content†¦Each student will have the same material from the week in their binder. It is imperative to communicate to each student that this is their way to show their progress throughout the year. Next, explain tha t this portfolio will be checked at any time without notice (minim once a month). There will also be three scheduled checks. Checking the binder will encourage the students to maintain and evaluate them. The portfolio will then be graded for organization and neatness. This will give the student the responsibility of making sure that their portfolio is in order to receive a good grade. These portfolios/binders will hold writing assignments, vocabulary sheets, spelling tests, and short stories with the question and answer page. These will be placed into the binder every Friday or as soon as they are given back to the student. Each page mentioned above has their own importance to the student’s growth. Assessments should be added at the beginning, middle, and end of the year. The educator will be able to see the exact progress the student has made throughout the year. The portfolio can effectively be used for summative and formative assessment. The first evaluation will involve a private conversation between the student and the educator. This would be a formative assessment. This assessment concentrates on observing the students response to instruction. Formative assessment gives instant feedback to the educator and studentShow MoreRelatedPros And Cons Of Standardized Testing801 Words  | 4 Pagescontroversial topic Since Middle School, I was not opposed to standardized testing. I thought of it as a way of testing us of what we have learned. Although, after reading some articles about standardized testing I am re-thinking the pros and cons. From personal experience, I thought of it as a challenge to pass them. But now that reminisce about it, I noticed some of the cons of standardized testing. I remember having a week or two dedicated for testing, and in case of students failing they had to take timeRead MorePros And Cons Of Standardized Testing1400 Words  | 6 PagesEven though there are many downsides to standardized testing there are still viable reasons why they are still being used today. One of the main reasons includes the easy and quick access of testing students. Standardized testing allows schools to quickly access a large amount of students at one time. This is also one of the cheapest ways to tests such a large crowd due to machinery that grades which results in low tests costs f or students. These tests also help by setting a national curriculum forRead MorePros And Cons Of Standardized Testing1025 Words  | 5 PagesWhat are standardized tests? Standardized tests are exams that are administered, scored, and interpreted in the same way for all students. Now there are many pros and cons of standardized testing however, I believe that public and private schools should just abolish standardized testing all together. These tests determine a student’s academic performance and each student is given the same test with the same questions and answers. These tests are designed to measure the students learning capabilitiesRead MorePros and Cons of Standardized Testing583 Words  | 2 PagesStandardized testing has its pros and cons I do not believe in it but I will give you proof for and against the testing. We will cover some the history and where the testing came from and why we do it. I will talk a little bit of how I feel about testing and how much we should focus on how the students do on the test. I have interviewed a few teachers that I had when I went to school and some personal friends that are teachers now and how it effects how they teach. Most historians trace the beginningRead MoreThe Pros and Cons of Standardized Testing Essay674 Words  | 3 PagesStandardized testing is a down fall to many students but also an opportunity for many others. Standardized testing has its pros and its cons. It can be the make it or break it factor into getting into colleges you are hoping to attend or the scholarships you want to earn. Some people may have their opinions about the test, whether they hate it or not but the fact is that it’s here to stay. What exactly is standardized testing you may ask, it is a test which measures the knowledge among differentRead MoreThe Pros And Cons Of Standardized Testing1491 Words  | 6 PagesStandardized testing was introduced by French psychologist Alfred Binet in 1905. The test originated because Binet was commissioned by the French government to create a tool to identify which students needed remedial studies. Over time, the standardized tests evolved into multiple different tests in multiple subjects for varying age groups of students. The tests were initially seen as a way to test a large sum of people with the same general questions to see an individual’s knowledge. Some peopleRead MoreThe Pros And Cons Of Standardized Testing1511 Words  | 7 PagesOver the years the educational system has faced various controversial issues, but the most recent one making a negative impact on students, is standardized testing. Standardized testing is a type of testing used to evaluate stud ents academic abilities . It is a way to measure if standards are being met but does not provide a variation in the type of administration based on the students needs (Sacks, 2000). In other words, all children are provided these test to track their learning progress basedRead MoreThe Pros And Cons Of Standardized Testing1100 Words  | 5 Pagesscience, history, and science. Then, every year, students typically take one big standardized test, or even more. These tests are claimed to give educators an objective that’s unbiased. Standardized testing supposedly helps identify the natural tendency of individual students, identifying skill development and progress. However, are these things what standardized testing really do for students? Standardized testing only measures a small portion of what makes education substantial. This means thatRead MorePros And Cons Of Standardized Testing1201 Words  | 5 Pages Standardized testing is all based on your performance as a student on a specific day, time and place. What it doesn’t show is how you perform on a day to day basis. These types of test can be given in any type of form that requires test takers to answer the same questions, and is then scored in a â€Å"standard†or consistent manner. Students should not have to take standardized test because of many reasons. As a human I have days where I’m tired and didn’t get enough sleep the night before or it isRead MoreThe Pros And Cons Of Standardized Testing704 Words  | 3 Pagesschool. But the majority can attest to saying that they all hate standardized testing and the week that it brings. Every student knows this week all too well. From having one to two tests a day and then shortly after not being able to function properly on the rest of the school day. Many students will say that they all hate the idea of standardized testing and wish it to be gone. The real question stands though: is standardized testing increasing the performance of students? The main argument against
Monday, May 11, 2020
Career Exploration Paper - 3362 Words
Autobiography: John Krumboltz once said, â€Å"You have control over your own actions and how you think about the events that impact your life. None us can control the outcomes, but your actions can increase the probability that desired outcomes will occur. There are no guarantees in life. The only guarantee is that doing nothing will get you nowhere.†(Krumboltz, 46). In this short exert from his book titled Luck is no Accident, 10 Ways to get More out of Work and Life, Krumbolz discusses the importance of making the most out of opportunities that may seem little or pointless, and that happiness doesn’t depend on any external conditions, but instead, it is governed by our mental attitude. Throughout my life, I have only had a few jobs†¦show more content†¦According to John Holland’s Theory of Career Choice, he explains the significance of involving work related behavior. Holland makes a connection between personality type and working environment, and ho w these two aspects guide one to career success and satisfaction. After taking the personality test, I found out that I am an extrovert. Being a very social person, I need to have a job that is not boring, keeps me on my toes, and I am constantly being challenged in. After working at the Property Management Company I learned that just when you think your day can’t get any more hectic, it does. So you always have to be alert and ready to handle whatever comes your way. This is exactly the kind of job I want, and although some people may get freaked out and scared by this, things like that are what make me happy and feel accomplished. Career Decisions: The use of personality, interest, and values assessments are very crucial in overall career decisions. One should never choose a career unless they know it fits their personality, needs, and level of happiness. As Confucius once said, â€Å"Choose a job that you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life†. If we don’t choose a job that we like and enjoy doing, we may last a few weeks, months, or even years, but after a while we will feel like we are at a dead end job, doing the same thing every day, which may lead to not only stress on yourself, but also your family.Show MoreRelatedCareer Exploration Paper1320 Words  | 6 PagesCareer Exploration Paper Tori Turner Liberty University Career Exploration Paper Career Field Occupation Choice Within society, there are many occupations to explore and chose. The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) results showed that my personal career strengths fall under the area of teaching and counseling. Currently, as a school counselor for a high school in Duncanville, Texas, a suburb outside of Dallas, I find the results of the assessment to be very accurate. 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The LMI Department provides substantial content to the system, which packages many State resources under three key content areas: 1) Explore Careers, 2) Investigate Careers, and 3) Find a Job. DWS (including WRA) is a partner in a Statewide, multi-agency career exploration partnership and web-system gearedRead MoreProposal for a New Career Exploration Program for Service Canada1625 Words  | 7 PagesProposal for a New Career Exploration Program for Service Canada This proposal is for a new career exploration program for Service Canada office of Cornwall, Ontario. It will examine the use of four standardized assessments in career counseling, then select and budget relevant assessments and resource material. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Sentence Coherence Free Essays
Coherence means the quality of sticking together. a sentence has coherence when the sentence elements are so arranged as to show their relationship. Clarity in the sentence depends largely on proper word order A. We will write a custom essay sample on Sentence Coherence or any similar topic only for you Order Now Achieving coherence through proper placement of modifiers A modifier is a word, phrase, or clause that describes, strengthens, or clarifies another word (or group of words) in a sentence. When a modifier is placed in its proper position in a sentence, a sense of clarity is established for the reader. Example: Confusion: He barely kicked that ball twenty yards. Repair Work: He kicked that ball barely twenty yards. The issue of the proper placement of â€Å"only†has long been argued among grammarians. Many careful writers will insist that â€Å"only†be placed immediately before the word or phrase it modifies. Thus â€Å"I only gave him three dollars†would be rewritten as â€Å"I gave him only three dollars. †Some grammarians, however, have argued that such precision is not really necessary, that there is no danger of misreading â€Å"I only gave him three dollars†and that â€Å"only†can safely and naturally be placed between the subject and the verb. The argument has been going on for two hundred years. Other examples: (boardwork) 1. Mother loves the bungalow which she inherited from her grandfather. (Spanish- style, maternal) 2. The bride walked down the aisle on the arm of her father. (slowly) A. 1. Avoiding Misplaced modifiers Misplaced modifiers-a word, phrase, or clause that is improperly separated from the word it modifies How to correct a misplaced modifier: Place the modifier close to the word it modifies Error: I brought the dress from that store that I really wanted. Correction: I brought the dress that I really wanted from that store. A. 2. Avoiding Squinting Modifiers Squinting Modifiers -a phrase or clause that seems to modify two words at a time Example: Students who miss classes frequently fail the course. We can’t tell which part of the sentence the word frequently is supposed to modify. Look at these two possible meanings: Students who miss class frequently or frequently fail the course. Correct a squinting modifier error by repositioning the modifier to place it next to the word it modifies. Example 2: Cycling up hills quickly strengthens your quadriceps. (In this example, the word â€Å"quickly†is a squinting modifier. It is not clear whether â€Å"quickly†pertains to â€Å"Cycling up hills†or â€Å"strengthens†. B. Achieving coherence by Avoiding Dangling Modifiers Dangling modifiers- It is a phrase or clause that is not clearly and logically related to the word or words it modifies How to correct a Dangling Modifier 1. Change the main clause of the sentence so that it begins with the word actually mod ified Example 1. Changing the oil every 3,000 miles, the car seemed to run better. Correction: Changing the oil every 3,000 miles, Fred found he could get much better gas mileage. Example 2: To keep the young recruits interested in getting in shape, an exercise program was set up for the summer months. Correction:To keep the young recruits interested in getting in shape, the coaching staff set up an exercise program for the summer months. 2. Change the dangling modifier phrase to a subordinate clause, creating a subject and a verb Example 1: Raised in Nova Scotia, it is natural to miss the smell of the sea. Correction For a person raised in Nova Scotia, it is natural to miss the smell of the sea. The introductory phrase in the above sentence looks as if it is meant to modify a person or persons, but no one is mentioned in the sentence. Such introductory adjective phrases, because of their position, automatically modify the first noun or pronoun that follows the phrase  in this case, â€Å"it. †The connection in this case is illogical because â€Å"it†was not raised in Nova Scotia. You could revise the sentence in a number of ways: In correction: (the phrase functions as an adjective but now automatically modifies â€Å"I,†a logical connection) Example 2: Although nearly finished, we left the play early because we were worried about our sick cat. Correction: Although the play was nearly finished, we left early because we were worried about our sick cat. A dangling modifier can also appear when you place an elliptical clause improperly: Although nearly finished, we left the play early because we were worried about our sick cat. The way this sentence is structured, the clause â€Å"Although nearly finished†illogically modifies â€Å"we,†the pronoun directly following the clause. An easy way to rectify the problem is to re-insert the subject and verb that are understood in the elliptical clause: Although the play was nearly finished, we left early because we were worried about our sick cat. C. Achieving Coherence by Clear Reference of pronouns A pronoun refers to or replaces a noun, a noun phrase, or a pronoun already mentioned. The word the pronoun replaces is known as the pronoun’s antecedent. A pronoun should always refer to a clear and definite antecedent. C. 1. Wrong reference Make sure that a pronoun refers to a specific noun, not a possessive noun or a noun within a prepositional phrase. | Faulty | In George Orwell’s essay â€Å"Shooting an Elephant, †he reports an incident that shows the evil effects of imperialism. [The pronoun he cannot refer to the possessive noun Orwell’s. ] | Revised | In his essay â€Å"Shooting an Elephant,†George Orwell reports an incident that shows the evil effects of imperialism. [The possessive pronoun his can refer to the subject noun Orwell. ]| Avoid using a pronoun such as they or it without an explicit antecedent. | Faulty | When Rivera applied for a resident alien card, they put him through many bureaucratic procedures. [The sentence does not ha ve a clear antecedent for the pronoun they. ] | | Revised | When Rivera applied for a resident alien card, government officials put him through many manybureaucratic procedures. Before government officials issued Rivera a resident alien card, they put him through many bureaucratic procedures. | C. 2 Ambiguous References Your readers should never be left wondering which this, they, or it is being discussed. Faulty | My husband told my father that he should choose the baby’s name. [Does he refer to husband or to father ? ] | Revised | My husband told my father to choose the baby’s name. My husband wanted to choose the baby’s name and told my father so. | Example 2:Ted told Hanz that he was hungry. Ted told Hanz that the former was hungry or Ted told Hanz, †I am hungry. †Example 3: Sylvia told her mother, â€Å"I need a new wardrobe. †Sylvia told her mother that she needed a new wardrobe C. 3. No Reference Examples 1. When we went to the motor vehicle division to register our car, they kept us waiting for nearly an hour. Correction: When we went to the motor vehicle division to register our car, the clerk kept us waiting for nearly an hour. 2. Elizabeth’s mother and father are both pilots; however, Elizabeth is not interested in it. Correction: Elizabeth’s mother and father are both pilots; however, Elizabeth is not interested in flying. 3. It says in the recipe that one must use butter, not margarine. Correction: According to the recipe, one must use butter, not margarine. 4. We prefer the kind of gas stations where hot food is sold. Correction: We prefer the kind of gas stations where they sell hot food. 5, Tammy applied for a scholarship, but her advisor told her that her parents make too much money. Correction: Tammy applied for a scholarship, but they told her that her parents made too much money. How to cite Sentence Coherence, Papers
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