Sunday, January 26, 2020
Matters Of Fact Relations Of Ideas Philosophy Essay
Matters Of Fact Relations Of Ideas Philosophy Essay Humes fork has two kinds of judgments. The one prong is known as matters of fact. Matters of fact are known to be true on the basis of experience. They are usually empirically verifiable and contingently true. That is, they vary based on the world. An example of a statement that Hume would classify as a matter of fact is The sun rose today or I exist. The other prong on Humes fork is called relations of ideas. Relations of ideas are known to be true independent of experience. They are self-evidently true. That is, if someone were to deny it as true, then they would be in contradiction. An example of this is All fathers are male. b. Define these 3 kinds of judgments identified by Kant, and give one example of each: a priori analytic, a posteriori synthetic, a priori synthetic. Believing that Humes fork was not fully correct, Kant came up with his three types of judgments. The first of which was the a priori analytic. A priori analytic statements are similar to Humes Relations of Ideas. That is, these statements allow one to gain knowledge without appealing to any particular experience as well as they are not expansive but explicative. In other words, they are self-evidently true and if one is to deny this, they would be in contradiction. An example of this would be A bachelor is an unmarried man. That is, the validity of this statement is tautological. A second type of Kantian judgment is known as a posteriori synthetic. A posteriori synthetic judgments are similar to Humes Matters of Fact. They are a posteriori because they are contingent facts that usually appeal to some particular experience to be known. They are synthetic as they are expansive, as they expand on the subject. An example of this kind of judgment would be Some triangles are isosceles or Ryan is wearing a red hat. Both of these require some experience that would allow for one to determine the truth value of the statements. Another way to think of examples of synthetic a posteriori statements is by thinking of possible worlds. That is, a statement that is synthetic a posteriori would be one that you can imagine a possible world with it without causing a contradiction. An example would be the sun is yellow. Obviously we can agree that in this possible world it is yellow, however, in another possible world, the sun could be bright purple and it would not cause a contr adiction. A third type of Kantian judgment, which Kant adds to correct Hume, is known as synthetic a priori. This doesnt relate to any of Humes fork. As previously mentioned, it says a synthetic statement as it is expansive and its a priori they can be known without experience. It seems difficult to understand, yet this is what Kant brings in order to allow for metaphysics and even pure mathematics. An example of a synthetic a priori statement would be Every event has a cause. This is a synthetic a priori as we know it is true without having to experience it, but it is synthetic as it is expansive and not explicative. c. Briefly, what kind of judgment does Hume take mathematical claims, such as 7+5=12, to be? What kind of judgment does Kant take mathematical claims, such as 7+5=12, to be? Hume and Kant have different views when it comes to mathematical claims, such as 7+5=12. Hume would say that the statement 7+5=12 is a relation of ideas as it is a mathematical claim. That is, he views that if you deny 7 add 5 as the same as 12, you would be in contradiction. That is, 7+5 is defined as being equivalent to 12. Kant would have a differing view when it comes to mathematical claims. Kant would say that 7+5=12 is a synthetic a priori statement. This is because Kant feels that 7+5 does not contain the concept of 12. That is, you can think of the prior without the second, which is what makes Kant feel it is synthetic, but as with most math principles, they are not seen in the world and are considered by Kant to be a part of the laws of nature. Therefore, Kant views them as a priori. d. What is Kants answer to the question: How is pure mathematics possible? Kants answer to the question how is pure mathematics possible is a very long one. In fact, it takes up a large section in his Prolegomena to Any Future Metaphysics. He does this by explaining his Copernican revolution of space and time. Kant feels that space and time serve as indispensable tools that help arrange and categorize the images of objects imported by our sensory organs. Anything we see or hear would be useless unless our minds have some space and time to make sense of it. Kant, unlike Hume, wants it to be possible for us to have knowledge outside of experience. He writes if intuition must conform to the constitution of the objects, I do not see how we could know anything of the latter a priori. (pg. 516) Yet, Kant feels that pure mathematics is only possible if we allow for a synthetic a priori statement to exist. (pg. 555) That is, a priori intuition would allow for the appearance of objects to be possible to us. Kant feels strongly that pure mathematics is only possible because we can have intuitions of space and time as phenomena. Phenomena are things as they appear to us given how our thought and sense perception work. However, it is important to note that Kant feels that pure mathematical propositions are not just creations of the imagination, but they do exist in space and time. (pg. 557-8) This is very important to Kant as it is one of his huge additions to Humes Fork which eliminated metaphysical claims and even math and science to an extent. 3. Knowledge of Nature a. Briefly, what does Kant mean by the term experience? Kant uses many terms that require special definitions. One such term is experience. Experience to Kant is the combination of an intuition with a concept in the form of judgment. In other words, it requires concepts that allow us to express a necessary and universal synthesis of intuitions. They describe the synthesis of intuitions in consciousness in general. b. Briefly, how do judgments of experience differ from judgments of perception? Judgments of perception are only subjectively valid. That is, they hold good only for us as individuals as they narrate how things appear to us as individuals. In other words, they describe the synthesis of intuitions in ones own consciousness. An example of a judgment of perception is The tower looks small to me or I feel the warm stone, then I see the sun shining on it. A judgment of experience is one that is about, or directed to objects of experience. An object of experience requires concepts that allow us to express necessary and universal synthesis of intuitions. In other words, it describes the synthesis of intuitions in consciousness. That is, they describe how we view the world is in general. An example of a judgment of experience would be nature is the existence of things so far as it is determined according to universal laws. It is a truth which is not subjectively qualified unlike a judgment of perception. c. Why does Kant think that we can know a priori that All events have a cause? Kant thinks that we can know a priori that all events have a cause. An a priori statement is one that is true in terms of its meaning alone. In other words, the statement all events have a cause is a fact upon which experience depends. Kant felt that the antithesis, no event has a cause would not produce a contradictory or meaningless statement, proving that it is synthetic. And the original statement, all events have a cause is a priori as Kant felt it can be known without the need of experience. Kant wrote that the principles of possible experience are then at the same time universal laws of nature, which can be known a priori. (pg. 565) In other words, Kant felt that all events have a cause would be considered a universal law of nature which are known a priori. d. Give an example of a metaphysical claim that Kant thinks we are NOT entitled to make. Why would he think we are not entitled to make that metaphysical claim? A metaphysical claim that Kant thinks we are not entitled to make would be the soul is immortal. He feels this is because metaphysical claims are illegitimate when they use a priori concepts beyond the bounds of any possible experience. Kant writes examples can only be borrowed from some possible experience, and consequently the objects of these concepts can be found nowhere but in a possible experience. In other words, Kant writes that you cannot make a claim such as the soul is immortal without relating it to some possible experience and thus taking away the a priori concept.
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Jail and Prison Essay
Many people think jail and prison are the same. In the past, I honestly myself thought that the only difference between jail and prison was prison was a bigger building than the building for jail. In fact, there are many differences between prisons and jails. Both are different entities. Here are some of the differences that you’ll want to know about if a member of your family, a close friend, or yourself is facing the prospect of going to jail or to prison. There are about 3,600 jails in the United States. Jails located within the area of a town or city and every city/town has at least one. Most jails are run by sheriffs and/or local governments. People accused under federal, state, county and/or city laws will be held in jail. Jail is build to temporary lock-up people till their court appearance, serve time on local misdemeanor charge, or serve a sentence of less than one year. Any sentence over a year must be served in a prison. A jail was once only holding facility and prisons were reformatories. A prison is a place that inmates people who have been tried and convicted of crimes. A state or federal prison can be very far away from an inmate home. Prison can be located too far from family and friends to visit. There are only about 100 federal prisons, detention centers, and correctional institutions in the United States. The prisons are operated by under the jurisdiction of either Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP) or state government. Jail plays an important part. Usually people that go to jail commit a local or small crime. Serving time in jail can scare offenders from committing future illegal acts. Jail time can be a big wake up call for many people. First small time offenders can realize they were lucky jail or prison is not a place they would want to be. Committed low offenders are face with consequences by giving probation, community service and sent to detention centers. Today many jails are considered reformatories (also known as correctional centers, state vocational institution, reform schools, houses of refuge, and industrial or training schools) in many parts of the United States. The courts hope to help the minors from committing future illegal acts by taking responsibility for his / her actions. Committed minors are face with consequences by giving them similar punishments as adults. The young adults are face with probation, community service and sent to detention centers. Jails operate work release programs, boot camps, and other services. The jail system tries to address education, substance abuse, and vocational needs while managing inmate behavior. Prisons are best described as Total Institution. In and only in prison, an inmate every aspect in life is controlled. Every detail of a prisoner is prescribed and managed by the prison. The state prison systems run halfway houses, work release centers, and community restitution centers. The programs are given to inmates because the inmates are reaching the end of their long sentences. There are many different types of prisons. Minimum security prisons look very much alike camps or college campuses and only hold about 20% of the inmates in the United States. The prisons usually have one or no fence perimeter. The inmates in minimum security prisons are convicted of non-violent crimes with clean criminal record. The crimes are usually forgery, cheating on taxes, and perjury. The prison also houses prisoners who have served most of their sentence from a higher security facility and improve their behavior. Low security prisons are surrounded by double-fenced perimeters. The inmates have dormitories or cubicle housing. Prisoners are provided with strong work and program components. A medium security prison has more restrictions the daily movements of an inmate. They hold about 45% of United States prisoners and the inmates are convicted of crimes such as assault and thefts. The prison has dormitories instead of cells but does have a razor-wire fence surrounding the area. Inmates are offered a wide variety of work and treatment programs. Maximum security prisons hold prisoners serving longer sentences. Only a quarter of all prisoners in the United States are housed in a maximum security facility.The prison holds about 35% Of Unites States prisoners. The inmates are convicted of crimes such as murder, kidnapping and other felonies. The prison was designed for violent offenders and/or inmates who have escaped (or tried to escape). Some inmates are also place in a maximum security prison because they can cause problems in lower security prisons. While an inmate is in prison, prisoners are to follow the rules set by prison officials. If a prisoner breaks any rules, he/she gets a hearing before the warden. If the warden finds the prisoner guilty of breaking a rule, penalties can be issued. There many of the punishments given to an inmate who break the prison rules. The consequences can be very high depending on what rule the inmate break. An inmate can be sent alone to time in solitary confinement. She/he can have a removal of accumulated â€Å"good behavior†time and transfer to a less desirable or paying prison job. Confiscation of items from prisoners can be taken such as TV’s, yard time, be sent to eat alone in your cell, phone calls, visitations from family and friends, and receiving letters. Violent crimes in prison can cause an inmate to be transfer to higher-security prison. When an inmate chooses to participate in violent acts towards a staff member, this may be due to the â€Å"friction points†prevalent throughout the social context and role within the prison system administration (Bottoms, 1999). Before the Truth in Sentencing Law pass, many offenders were only serving a short time in prison than the time they are sentenced to serve by the court. The role of the Truth in Sentencing Act was first enacted in 1984. The law required offenders to serve at least 85% the portion of their prison sentence imposed by the court. There’s been a nearly 18 percent drop in reported crime in Arizona since the state began requiring criminals to serve at least 85 percent of their prison sentences, a new study shows (Smith, 2012). The Act would also require any person convicted of a violent crime would have to serve no less than 100% of the sentence by the court. Truth in Sentencing also requires offenders to serve their entire minimum sentence in a prison before being eligible for parole. References Smith, K. (2012). New study says truth-in-sentencing in Arizona has made state safer . Retrieved from Bottoms, A.E. (1999). Interpersonal violence and social order in prisons. Crime and Justice, 26, 205-281. The University of Chicago Press. Retrieved June 4, 2009, from
Thursday, January 9, 2020
Heres What I Know About Definition Essay Samples
Here's What I Know About Definition Essay Samples There are an endless number of words which can be defined in the period of an essay. Any academic writing piece calls for an appropriate structure. All essays should have a thesis statement. So without further ado, below are some effective writing tips to create your common app essay stick out! 1 person might say a hipster is a person who follows all the hottest trends, while another might think that it is someone who has his own distinct style. For a student who doesn't investigate correctly, it is extremely simple to become confused and to mix up definitions or explanations. Each definition would be wholly tied to the person's person experiences, naturally. The Fundamentals of Definition Essay Samples Revealed Professors ask students to compose the essay for students to show them their knowledge of the subject. Time will soon age their outer appearance. Students use plagiarizing as a means of doing fantastic work so tha t they will receive a fantastic praise. Yes, sometimes students need some excess inspiration to begin their own work and that's fine. New Questions About Definition Essay Samples All you will need is quality content written within the directions. It's possible to discover a lot of information about words nowadays, all you will need is an online connection. A number of the things are linked to example essays to provide you with even more inspiration. Lies You've Been Told About Definition Essay Samples As usual, in concluding section you've got to sum up the key points of your argument but in various words. Rephrase the key areas of the definition and ensure you summed up everything you planned on saying. The solution is rather easy. Well, it is quite easy, it hardly really matters! Definition Essay Samples - Dead or Alive? Select a word which you are acquainted with and understand on a simple level. Use enough words to clearly show your private opinion, provide some exam ples from the true life, and tell the significance of the period. You'll usually begin with the dictionary definition, as a way to give yourself a starting point. The best method to start is to look up several diverse definitions of the period, and see the way that it's usually utilized. Identify three conditions that you believe meet the definition. Mention the method by which the definition you were speaking about affected you. Thus, there's not any reason to include things like a dictionary definition. Standard definition is the one which you will see in the dictionary. Here's What I Know About Definition Essay Samples When picking a definition essay topic, you should understand the topic before you pen the essay for other people to read. More than that, you ought to be interested in it, otherwise your essay isn't likely to be remarkable in any way. You've approached the last portion of your essay. For example if you're writing a definition essay in your philosophy class, you may be requested to compose a definition essay on the topic of ethics. As with any other essay, a definition one has its peculiarities in addition to content requirements that should be met to be successful in the writing. If you are searching for definition essay examples here's a great one below. You will learn the way to compose a definition essay, how to choose the topic you love the most, how to deal with defining the elaborate conditions. Among the various kinds of essay, there's a definition essay that could appear to be among the most simple assignments. Writing a brief draft is quite effective, and a few teachers even require students to submit drafts to make certain that they've written the essay themselves. Some teachers require the essay outline only because they need to be sure the students will write fantastic papers.
Wednesday, January 1, 2020
How Can More Women be Elected in Canada - 1074 Words
Canada is identified for its sincere generosity that has presented its entire people the privileges to deliberate themselves in several methods. When relating to more unlucky nations, Canada has obtained the Canadian women the chance and freedom to select whichever profession of their choice. Yet, due to societal customs, women typically acknowledge conflicts, that are depressingly estimated upon by the society and are not clearly recognized into careers that are well thought out as men-orientated. Social customs existing in the Canadian culture, generated obstacles in the society of what professions are customary for women and what careers are recognized for men, which makes a key matter of woman acknowledgment in the political parties. Canada overpowers a succession of debatable subjects concerning femininity correspondence, which directed Canadian culture to improve their opinions. As civilizations interpretations rationalized, it carried numerous optimistic modifications concerni ng gender societal means through the years, such as the recognition of women to participate in the political parties.. Although, in Canadian politics, it is often seen the lack of contribution women make to the political community. Even though, women are as capable as men to participate in Canadian politics, women in Canadian politics are usually looked down upon due to the historical gender views within society, gender inequality that differentiates between the abilities of between both gendersShow MoreRelatedWoman and Canadian Politics1714 Words  | 7 Pagesparliamentary system. With the first Canadian women being elected into the Canadian parliament in 1921, women have had the ability to participate and become elected into the House of Commons. Since then, Canadian women’s participation in the House of Commons has substantially increased from 1 female seat holder in 1921 to the present day 64 seats held by women. Although this increase is seemed as substantial, the deb ate about the underrepresentation of women in politics has been a central topic of debateRead MoreEssay On Role Of Women In History1546 Words  | 7 PagesCanada’s population of women has hit 52% as of 2017. Even though our population is equal between men and women, our national assembly is grossly underrepresenting the female population in Canada. Canada’s House of Commons only has 22% of the members of parliament that identify as female. This puts Canada in 48th place in the world, for the number of women in its national legislature. Women could run for positions in the House of Commons in 1919, and almost 100 years later we have not made sufficientRead MoreCanadas Electoral System1010 Words  | 5 Pageswidely accepted that Canada uses a first past the post electoral system. However, this system may not be in the best interest of Canada any more. There are many reasons why Canada should change its electoral system to a mixed member proportional one, a variant of proportional representation. With a first past the post system, the elected officials will always be of the majority and this excludes minorities from fair representation. Adopting MMP can create stronger voter turnouts, more personal campaigningRead MoreEquality Between Women And Women1673 Words  | 7 Pagesbeen a long and hard journey in Canada to attain gender equality between men and women. Women’s rights have changed dramatically over the past century from women not being persons, to having almost full equality between men and women. Saskatchewan feminism has followed a very similar path as Canada. The Women’s Suffrage Movement has given women the right to vote, and the Persons Case has given women the right to be appointed to Senate. The Famous Five were the women who lead the Persons Case, as wellRead MoreWomen s Rights Of Canada1640 Words  | 7 PagesWomen s Rights in Canada Heritage Fair Essay It has been a long and hard journey in Canada to attain gender equality between men and women. Today, most people are unaware of the discrimination in workplaces, schools, and everyday life. Due to the Famous Five who lead the Persons Case that stated women as official persons, and many heroic individuals who lead the Women’s Suffrage Movement, women now have more opportunities than ever before. The Canadian Labour Movement has helped improve many citizens’Read MoreThe Feminist Movement Has Done Much For Some Women897 Words  | 4 Pagesincluding Canada. However, as Katha Pollitt (2007) stated, â€Å"The feminist movement has done much for some women, but it has hardly turned America into a playground free of sex roles†(p. 543). Studies conducted by Statistics Canada show that 1976 to 2005, women have increased their labor force participation greatly, and men have increased their time spent doing housework over the same span (Marshall, 2006, p.7). I believe t hat the Feminist Revolution, in Canada, is unfinished because women continueRead MoreKim Campbell : Through The Looking Glass1407 Words  | 6 Pagesâ€Å"Kim Campbell through the looking glass†was created to show the journey of Kim Campbell through the ministration of positions of the Canadian Government as it briefly shows how she acquired the top position, what challenges were served to her, and how well she managed to keep her title as the first female Prime Minister of Canada. She was originally named Avril Phaedra Douglas Campbell on March 10, 1947, but with all her history of family conflicts, from been abandoned by their mother in her earlyRead MoreWar on the home front1000 Words  | 4 Pagesnegatively in WWI. The Wartime Elections Act had an effect on Canadians politically. The great influenza affected Canada socially. Lastly, propaganda and victory bonds caused Canada to fall economically. Canada’s home front during WWI had a negative impact on the Canadian people politically, socially and economically. The Wartime Elections Act proposed by Robert Borden weakened Canada politically as a country. This act that was passed in 1917 took the vote away from citizens who had emigrated fromRead MoreThe Charter Of Rights And Freedoms1139 Words  | 5 Pages1960’s-1970’s Quebec was extremely discontent with being apart of Canada due to the language barer and being a minority. Many citizens in Quebec even wanted to separate themselves from Canada and form their own nation. Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau decided that the new charter in order to ensure the rights of people residing in Quebec. In order to do this Trudeau had to create an amending formula for the British North-American Act. This would grand Canada its independence from Brittan. After gaining independenceRead MoreEssay on Equality and Justice for All in Canada1322 Words  | 6 Pages Today, Canada is known around the world as a cultural mosaic. As a nation it welcomes people of both sexes with all different beliefs, cultures, and religions. Creating a mature nation would require promoting equality of opportunity to all and giving help to those who were disadvantaged. However, Canada has not always been a welcoming and mature nation. In the past, women were not allowed to vote alongside men or run for political positions, due to the fact that they were not considered â€Å"personsâ€
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