Saturday, August 31, 2019
Turning Point in the Truman Show
Turning point in â€Å"The Truman Show†In the film The Truman Show directed by Peter Weir, Weir brings out messages about how reality TV is perceived by the world and what it really is through the final scene in the movie where Truman goes out to sea and finally escapes from Seahaven. I think it was a turning point of this film because it reveals a system of a reality TV, which manipulates and controls everything possible but the only ones that belong to it. In the final scene, Truman goes out to sea to get out of Seahaven.Christof tracks Truman down in the sea and makes an attempt to make Truman get back to the island by creating a lethal artificial storm. Despite the storm, Truman is determined to continue his voyage, but then gets surrounded by the painted sky. Christof gives a last try by talking to Truman nevertheless Truman stays steadfast and exits the stage. In this scene, there are many elements and techniques that turn Truman into our hero. In this scene, Truman is always filmed by using low angle shots, making the audience feel that they are looking up to him.Also, the boat that he was on is called â€Å"Santa Maria†(the bless Virgin Mary). Furthermore, a flag on the boat had a symbol of an eagle, which represents freedom, power, and victory to Truman. Later when he hits the painted sky he walks on false water, which resembles one of Jesus’s ability to walk on water referring Truman as God who we admire. This final scene is considered to be a turning point, because many change occurs due to Truman’s strong will. Changes that occurred are: Truman himself, mood, and the nature of the show. First of al the most noticeable change was a change in Truman himself.He breaks free from the obstacles that block him from getting out of Seahaven by overcoming his fear of water (aqua phobia) and misleads everyone else involved in his show. The mood of the scene changes. The scene starts off with sunny and calm weather where the sky is blue and creates a happy and relaxing mood. However, as Chistof creates a storm towards Truman, the tone goes down somber by using grey clouds, the Sun disappearing, with a lot of loud banging noises, and leads to Truman’s distorted face due to his grief after knowing all the truth.Nonetheless as the film approaches its very end Truman reveals the real nature of the show by differentiating himself from the rest still involved in the show, and exits out the door. It is followed by a shock and pity on Christof’s face, audience in the cafeteria, and the security guards finding â€Å"something else to watch†showing that they were all exploiting Truman by deceiving him, contrasting with Truman’s genuineness. Furthermore, the final scene is a turning point because it reveals a true system of a reality TV, contrasted to what we thought it was.Christof keeps on boasting that the show is the most genuine and pure as it could be, however, that is inconsistent wit h the unreality of the reality show. Throughout the film everything is controlled, his powers, his wife, and his friends are all fake, his parents and family, friends are all actors reading out the lines, which limits the possibility of Truman contacting with the outside of Seahaven, the reality. However Truman’s Genuineness stems from who he is inside. Christof sees himself as having created an ideal paradise for Truman, which is a digital garden of Eden in which Truman can be forever innocent, forever pure.His delusions of Godhood lead him to believe that he has created who Truman is. The falsity of Christof’s anticipation to Truman leaving the world is a message that controlling the memories doesn’t mean controlling the soul. Truman’s liberation of the soul comes from embracing the love for the woman he once saw, Sylvia. His request for her using the simple tools of photos of women in fashion magazines cropped and rearranged into her face represents hi s triumph of his desire for his love over his physical barrier, which surrounds him.Truman thinks freedom is more important than safety, and would rather take a huge risk to get it. As an example, Truman is holding a finished photo of a resemblance to Sylvia on the boat. Increasingly, we live in a Truman universe as well, saturated by advertisements and we are manipulated by basic film techniques they use. In the film Truman struggles to get out of the show whereas we struggle to be a part of the show, we go for popularity. Truman freed himself from the imprisonment, but the other havent’, and proves that Truman wasn’t the creation of Chrsitof.Reality TV is a highly dramatized structure and attificial life. It bridges the gap between fiction and life by fusing two, creating verite performances surrounded by scripted elements. The Truman Show feeds a script to everyone but Truman, but the script is invisible, by managing everyone else’s dialogue to minimize Truma n’s interactions with every other human being in his life, except the two people who go off the script, his dad and Sylvia. His thoughts cannot be controlled.Reality TV pulls strings of our instincts and by refusing to choose a world that may be dangerous and threatening, but also real, Truman chooses the reality and freedom over the enslavement of entertainment. When he leaves, Truman has found freedom, those viewers still watching have not. In conclusion, via the final scene, which is considered as a turning point due to its exposure of a true system of a reality show in order to prove that reality TV shows can only manipulate the ones that belong to it.
Friday, August 30, 2019
Psychology of Love
of Triangular Love Theory and The Effects on Our Brain Merry Alijoski College of New Rochelle Author Note This paper was prepared for Psychology 101, taught by Professor Hertler. Abstract This paper presents the classification of love in Robert Sternberg’s triangular love theory and how the brain falls in love within the three components of love. The research findings hold significance to people who are or have been in love and have interest in classifying their love and understanding how they love.In this paper, research is cited to attempt and solve the biological mystery behind love and how love can be broken down into components. The brain plays a major role in loving other people and the components help define our relationships with the opposite sex. To gather information and results on this topic, I analyzed several books and articles on the psychology, evolution, and brain reactions of love. As a result of completing the above procedure, studies show how dopamine create s happy feelings. Sternberg’s triangular love theory provides components that have scores which increase and decrease over time.The larger implication of my findings reveals how love is complex and so is the biological process of it. Keywords: love, brain, components Introduction What is love? The definition is infinite. In history, scholars have primarily studied the nature of love. For instance, in 1886, the German pioneering sexologist and physician Richard von Krafft-Ebing classified five types of love. These types were known as true love, sentimental love, platonic love, friendship, and sensual love. Albert Ellis (1954) suggested further love varieties: â€Å"Love itself . . . ncludes many different types and degrees of affection, such as conjugal love, parental love, familial love, religious love, love of humanity, love of animals, love of things, self-love, sexual love, obsessive-compulsive love, etc. †(p. 101). Love is very complex and has been broken down int o many theories such as the triangular love theory, types of love, and styles of love by Robert Sternberg. In terms of the biological aspect of love, it is extremely difficult to explain. Discoveries show how the brain processes though the body when a man or woman selects a mate.Results suggest that the â€Å"chemistry†of attraction between people comes from chemical processes within the brain. Components of Triangular Love Theory Robert Sternberg (1986, 1998) identified three terms of three basic components that create the vertices of the love triangle, known as intimacy, passion, and decision/commitment. The intimacy component refers to close, connected, and bonded feelings in loving relationships (Sternberg, 1989, p. 120). The passionate component has the motivational drive that can lead to such romantic and physical attraction, sexual consummation, and related wonders.Many factors contribute to passion such as the need for sexual arousal, self-esteem, association with pe ople, power over others, obedience to others, and to achieve one’s potential. The decision and commitment component consists of two aspects, one short term and one long term. In a short term relationship, the decision one loves someone. Long term relationships consist of commitment to maintain that love. In most cases, decision will encourage commitment. If the love components begin to combine, then eight subsets that represent the classification of love are created.These eight types are extremes for reality. On occasion, someone would have an instance in which there is passion with no intimacy at all. The following represents the triangular love theory including the eight subsets. Figure 1. 1 Sternberg’s triangular theory of love represents the three components of love and they are shown in the vertices of the triangle. The different types of love formed through various combinations of the components are in the brackets of the triangle. _______________________________ ______________________________________________________ SOURCE: From Sternberg, R.J. (1988). Triangulating love. In R. J. Sternberg & M. L. Barnes (Eds. ), The psychology of love (pp. 119-138). Each component of love has feelings that we experience when meeting a person who can be a potential long term mate. With the use of different chemicals, the brain regulates these feelings. To stimulate long term commitment all sections must be involved. However, this often does not happen. â€Å"While these brain circuits and emotions work with each other in a safe and fulfilling love relationship, they can and do function independently of one another.You can be bonded with one person, infatuated with another and have sex with yet a third person†(Schaeffer, pg 27). Schaeffer’s statement connects to the three-brain system theory. The main idea of the theory is that there are three sections of the brains of humans have developed along with the brain of previous animal ancestors. O ur brains are not too different from animals because the main difference is that our brain functions on three different levels. Such aspects of the human brain are reasons for diverse attraction cues and how they vary based on the person when choosing a mate. IntimacyIn detail, the intimacy component alone, which is identified as liking, occurs in certain instances. Such liking occurs when someone experiences only the intimacy component of love during the absence of the passion and decision/commitment components. The person often feels closeness, a bond, and warmth toward each other, without intense passion or long term commitment. The passion component, unlike the intimacy component, has passion without commitment and intimacy. Intimacy or liking, associates with attraction and how the sense of sight allows one to see the image of an attraction person, creating an effect on the brain. The chemical that results from physical attraction (or lust) is phenyl ethylamine or PEA. It is a naturally occurring amphetamine substance from within the brain that stimulates and increases physical and emotional energy. The initial attraction between two individuals causes one to produce more PEA which results in those dizzying feelings associated with romantic love. Another substance that is released by PEA is dopamine. This chemical increases a desire to be physically close and intimately connected. When these chemicals are being secreted in larger doses, they send signals from the brain to the other organs of the body.If you wonder why you or someone is attracted to the â€Å"wrong†person, it may be because you are high on the physical response to these substances, which overwhelm your ability to use your head and exercise â€Å"good judgment and common sense†(True Love and Chemistry). Attraction is extremely powerful and it can be the source of a long lasting relationship. Research shows that signals that come from the body can have an effect of a personâ €™s feelings of attraction for another. Psychologists Donald G. Dutton and Arthur P. Aron created three experiments which show a relationship between strong levels of anxiety and attraction.Male passersby’s were communicated either on a fear-arousing suspension bridge or a non-fear arousing bridge by a beautiful female evaluator who asked them to fill out questionnaires. Aside from the control group, there were results proving that more anxiety was produced during the experimental bridge. In other words, attraction caused anxiety. Passion The passion component alone, classified as infatuated, is commonly phrased as being â€Å"love at first sight†. In this particular component, love is changed into obsession by treating the partner as an idealized object rather than as him or himself.There is a cure for infatuation and one must get to know the object of one’s infatuation very well. An alternative solution is to become convinced that one has absolutely no hop e of attaining the object of one’s infatuation. Infatuations major problem is that it tends to be obsessive. People experiencing infatuation tend to steadily focus on the love, which causes one to waste time, energy, and motivation from other significant things in one’s life. On Robert’s triangle, infatuated love relationships form in an asymmetrical figure.In research (Sternberg & Barnes 1985) reveals that the higher the degree of asymmetry, the increasing chance that a relationship is prone to distress. The passion component, or infatuation stage, is correlated with being intoxicated. These feelings originate from chemical of dopamine. PEA is a substance that discharges dopamine and when we fall in love our brain directs signals for additional dopamine. People are in a happy state of mind due to dopamine’s effects on us. These feelings are common when we have â€Å"butterflies†or we are â€Å"weak in the knees†during the time we are arou nd the person we love.A study created in 2002 by an anthropologist named Helen Fisher, revealed these feelings due to the distribution of dopamine. Fisher gathered 40 young participants who were madly in love. Half were loved in return, while the other half was experiencing love rejection. Each participant was placed in a MRI with a picture of their beloved and one of an acquaintance. They all stared at the photo of their sweetheart for 30 seconds, then after a distraction, they would look at the acquaintance photo for another 30 seconds. Everyone was switching back and forth for approximately 12 minutes.This study discovered that the photos of the participant’s sweetheart’s created the distribution of dopamine into various sections of the brain including the posterior dorsal caudate and its tail, which are the main parts of the brains system for reward and motivation. In cases where dopamine levels are high the feeling of falling in love is rapid and powerful, causing an obsession to occur with the person who gives them that feeling. The increasing levels of dopamine explain why people long for the feeling that loved one give them. Decision/commitmentOne of the most meaningless components has to be the decision/commitment component alone, known as empty love. The empty love forms as a result from someone simply making a decision to love one another without intimacy or passion being present. Usually this type of love is found in motionless relationships and marriages that have lost the attraction and emotional support for one another. Lazarus (1985) identifies that when marriage is solely based on commitment, the other missing components are very difficult to restore in the marriage.Empty love is known for being one-sided in the triangle. After Sternberg explained the components in an individual manner, he began combining the components and created different forms of love. Commitment is connected to how the human brain correlates with reproductio n. We are biologically made to reproduce and carry on genes. â€Å"As far as your genes are concerned, your principal job while you're alive is to conceive offspring, bring them to adulthood and then obligingly die so you don't consume resources better spent on the young. Anything that encourages you to reed now and breed plenty gets that job done†(The Science of Romance). These drives are contributed to the process of selecting a partner with the help of biological cues. Today’s society refers this process to â€Å"romance†and a feeling of â€Å"love†. Our society has changed the drives for commitment with others. There is an excess amount of time devoted to the process of love instead of reproducing children. Commitment is a significant factor for having healthier babies but the societies today are focusing on how and why people have decided to commit to one spouse. Kinds of LoveRomantic love is formed through the combination of intimacy and passion. People who experience romantic love have a physical attraction and emotions for one another. For example, a summer love can demonstrate romantic love, but there is not a real chance for it to last beyond the summer. Such lovers feel an intense passion for one another and feel that they can bare their souls to one another as well. A counter argument is given by Hartfield and Walster (1981) by stating that romantic love does not differ from infatuation. Many possibilities may occur in such a love.Romantic lovers can realize that they may or may not have many things in common. In some cases, a friendship can easily change into a romantic love, due to the admiration for one another and the passion that draws them together. Companionable love results from the combination of intimacy and decision/commitment components of love. Companionate love is identified as a long-term committed friendship. The passion goes away although the intimacy remains. Most people are happy with this type of lo ve. However, some people find it difficult living without some kind of romance going on.As a solution, people might have affairs to feed their hunger for such romance. Fatuous love requires the combination of passion and the decision/commitment components of love. Hollywood courtships experience fatuous love most of time. Once the passion wears out, commitment is left. However, commitment requires a lot of time and energy to develop. People involved in fatuous love think that marriage is heaven and a solution to all their worries and concerns. They are not aware of what is required to maintain a marriage. These people sacrifice a lot for passion and lack intimacy.The combination of intimacy, passion, and commitment forms consummate love. All components being present in consummate love allow people to strive for this type of love, especially those in romantic relationships. Having this love can be extremely difficult, but maintaining this love is far more challenging. We do not seek consummate love because we have the tendency to reserve it for those that have much more meaning for us. The following chart shows Sternberg’s typology of the love relationships. â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€- Table 1. Sternberg’s Typology of Love Relationships Love Component ___________________________ Kind of Love Relationship Intimacy Passion Decision/Commitment Nonlove Low Low Low Liking High Low Low Infatuation Low High Low Empty love Low Low High Romantic love High High Low Companionate love High Low High Fatuous love Low High High Consummate love High High High ______________________________________________________________________________ NOTE: According to Sternberg (e. . , 1986), the three basic components of loveâ€â€intimacy, passion, and decision/commitmentâ€â€combine to produce eight different types of love relationship. For example, infatuation-based relationships are characterized by relatively high levels of passion but relatively low levels of intimacy and commitment. Evidence for Sternberg’s Triangular Love Theory Sternberg designed a questionnaire, the Sternberg Triangular Love SCALE (STLS), in order to measure the components of love in his theory. Few studies were done on the scale alone (e. g. Sternberg, 191987, 1997; Whitley, 1993). The scale has proven to have good measures of the components, particularly of passion and commitment. Scores were stable for up to two months for the same relationship. Sternberg made assumptions that over time the scores will change. In one study, there were 204 adult participants between the ages 18 to 68; 65 percent were married (Acker & Davis, 1992). On average, the relationships were going for 9. 5 years. As Sternberg predicted, the scores of commitment raised within relationships that shifted from dating to marriage.Robert’s prediction of intimacy decreasing over time was also proven in the study. However, two different measures of intimacy increased over time. A different study assessed German adults for their relationship between the three components, sexual activity, and satisfaction (Grau & Kimpf, 1993). In the theory, it is predicted that the measurement of passion should be strongly correlated to sexual activity, but the results prove that intimacy is closely related to sexual behavior and sexual satisfaction. Conclusions and Future StudyThe preceding information matters because love is hard to define and varies for others, which makes Sternberg’s theory an informative model of all types of relationships. An addition to all the components, information on how the brain works while falling in love, allows people to understand the biological process of love. Love can be classified in many forms and the brain helps select our mates based on the innate genetics of needing to reproduce. Arguments in the paper fit together and prove the thesis statement, such as dopamine creating happy feelings when in love and gene’s principle job is to reproduce.Further steps that need to be taken in the area of the papers research, is researching the purpose of love. There can be a study done on participants and how they view of the purpose of love. Objective information should come from science and religion. Then the subjective and objective findings can be compared and contrasted to form a conclusion. | ReferencesFisher, H. , Aron, A. , & Brown, L. (2005). Dr Helen Fisher – Biological Anthropologist – Home Page. Retrieved from http://www. helenfisher. com/downloads/articles/13JourCompNeur. pdfFisher, H. E. (1992).Anatomy of love: The natural history of monogamy, adultery, and divorce. New York: Norton. Franzoi, S. L. (2009). Social psychology. New York: McGraw-Hill Higher Education. Regan (2002, October 30). General Theories of Love. SAGE – the natural home for authors, editors and societies. SAGE is a lea ding international publisher of journals, books, and electronic media for academic, educational, and professional markets: Welcome to Sage. Retrieved from http://www. sagepub. com/upm-data/3222_ReganChapter1_Final. pdfSchaeffer, B. (2009). Is it love or is it addiction? The book that changed the way we think about romance and intimacy. Center City, Minn: Hazelden. Sternberg, R. J. , & Barnes, M. L. (1988). The Psychology of love. New Haven: Yale University Press. The Science of Romance: Why We Love – TIME. (2009, November 6). Breaking News, Analysis, Politics, Blogs, News Photos, Video, Tech Reviews – TIME. com. Retrieved from http://www. time. com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,1704672,00. htmlTrue Love and Chemistry: Exploring Myth and Reality. (2009, November 6). Retrieved from http://www. enotalone. com/article/2946. html| |
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Grapes of Wrath Essay
In Grapes of Wrath, John Steinbeck wrote about the Joads and their forced migration from Oklahoma to California. They were forced to leave their simple farming life because of the Great Depression. Through the struggles of the members and friends of the Joads, Steinbeck was able to portray an undesirable, yet accurate picture of America in the early twentieth century. Thus, this story is considered as one of the most powerful social novels in human history. But, Steinbeck did not just describe the country where he lived. In the later part of the novel, Steinbeck crafted a political message that is intended to change the present and unacceptable state of America. In Nobody Knows My Name, James Baldwin wrote a series of essays about the experiences, thoughts, and struggles of an African-American deep in the heart of Europe. The collection of essays appears to be a rite of passage for Baldwin who did not want to be labeled as a Negro writer, but simply an American writer. But, through the series of essays, Baldwin wove together his own political message, which wanted to radically shift the point of view of society about what America is all about. In both pieces of literature, it can be found that the written works of art are not just mere expressions of the authors’ creativity. This is because a simple creative expression is wandering and aimless. The written art is similar to a powerful sword that can be wielded to effect political and social changes, but this figurative sword obeys the authors’ personal views that are derived from their personal experiences. Despite the personal basis of the authors’ opinions, the political nature of the written art is needed in societies that are thrown in the midst of division and conflict because the political nature of written art serves as a guiding beacon of light, both for the ordinary citizens and for the political leaders. Steinbeck’s Grapes of Wrath has many interpretations that originate from varying perspectives, such as religious, economic, social, political, and personal. The same could be said of Baldwin’s Nobody Knows My Name. Different and numerous interpretations of literary works are acceptable because that is the nature of all literary works and the authors could not be confronted and asked to choose which interpretation is the most accurate. It is probable that Steinbeck purposely wove a novel that is a mosaic of several messages. And it is also probable that Baldwin delved into different issues and each essay in the said collection might be about more than one perspective. But, in comparing the novel and the essay collection, the two perspectives that will be analyzed are the similar personal and the political beliefs of the authors about the American society. Both Steinbeck and Baldwin see a divided American society. In Steinbeck’s novel, the division is between the rich and the poor. This division is felt sharply in the Great Depression when the rich and powerful preyed on the desperation of the poor people. The reputed rich grape vineyards in California became attractive to the Joads and other poor people who are suffering the pangs of hunger due to the poor harvest. The house was dead, and the fields were dead†(Steinbeck, 135). The family chose to uproot themselves and went to California. But, the vineyards did not deliver the promise of providing enough food security for the people. Instead, the Joads toiled hard, day and night, but remained poor, oppressed, and discriminated. In Baldwin’s essay, the division is between the Blacks and the White. The Civil War has ended but the discrimination against the Black Americans remained. Many Americans gave lip service to the concept of equality and assimilation, but it is far more difficult to remove the generations-old dogma of Blacks being an inferior race. Hoping to achieve the desired state of equality, the Blacks fought by excelling in the fields of sports, music, and literature. But this was not enough. Instead, the Blacks continued to endure discrimination. The nature of the division that was described by Steinbeck may not be exactly the same as the division described by Baldwin. But the division and the conflict are strongly felt. And because of the presence of the conflict, America is not united. Unfortunately, there are more conflicts that exist other than the conflict between people of different races and people who come from different socio-economic status. There are conflicts based on gender, education, and sexual orientation. â€Å"The tensions of American life, as well as the possibilities, are tremendous†(Baldwin, 11). But what could be the long-term implications of having a divided country? Both Steinbeck and Baldwin predicted that the present divisions in America would lead to overwhelming wrath that might destroy society. In Steinbeck’s novel, the poor finds that many of their opportunities are kept away from them or wasted away by the rich and powerful. â€Å"The people come with nets to fish for potatoes in the river, and the guards hold them back †¦ in the eyes of the hungry there is a growing wrath†(Steinbeck, 477). It is suggested that the travels of Steinbeck revealed to him the desolate state of his country and the increasing resentment of the poor. In Baldwin’s essay Fifth Avenue, Uptown: a Letter from Harlem, he described the rotting and festering social situation of Harlem, the corner of the world where he grew up. Baldwin drew upon his experiences and observations when he was still living in Harlem to create this essay that depicts the oppression that the Whites wielded through the police. The policemen â€Å"represent the force of the white world †¦ the black man corralled up here, in his place†(Baldwin, 57). The Blacks have began to realize that they were being discriminated and that the basic right to human dignity was been taken away from them through the selfish and callous way that the Whites treated them in the past decades. But, instead of being apologetic, the Whites, being the majority, demanded assimilation. It would be inevitable that the Blacks would feel resentment. And with resentment, there would be a burgeoning anger. Steinbeck and Baldwin are personally aware of the negative effects of the existing conflicts in their societies. They knew that anger would be fermented. There is a limit to the patience of the people who are being oppressed. What then should Americans do with the existing conflicts in their country? Both Steinbeck and Baldwin personally believed that there must be a radical political change in the country, but for any radical change to happen, there should also be a radical change within each individual American. In Steinbeck’s novel, there were many characters that underwent changes throughout the story. However, the character that underwent the most radical change was Rose of Sharon, who, after suffering from the loss of her own child, has agreed to nurse an old man. â€Å"Then she lay down beside him. He shook his head slowly from side to side. Rose of Sharon loosened one side of the blanket and bared her breast†(Steinbeck, 619). This last scene in Steinbeck’s novel often elicits a violent reaction from readers. But, upon reflection, it was the most humane act of all. The violent reaction occurred simply because many readers are trapped within the bounds of society’s conventions. Without these conventions, the readers will be rid of preconceptions that prevent them from reaching out to other people. Without preconceptions, the division between the poor and the rich would eventually disappear. In Baldwin’s essays, the personal change that he wanted to obtain is to prevent the self from following the tides of anger that will sweep and destroy the country. Thus, instead of wearing the easy cloak called Negro writer, he chose to create a new one, the American writer. He found that the American writers of his time lack the sense of purpose that a literary artist should have. This is because the American writer, similar to the many readers of Steinbeck, is trapped by conventions of society. Baldwin believes that unless the American writer â€Å"is released from the habit of flexing his muscles and proving that he is just a regular guy that he realizes how crippling this habit has been†(Baldwin, 6). If all Americans will remove the concept of race from their minds, they will find that there is no Negro problem after all. The concept of effecting an individual change prior to achieving a wider social change evolved primarily from the personal experiences of the authors and from their observations. These were distilled to create the plot of the novel and the subject of the essays. As influential authors, were Steinbeck and Baldwin ethically appropriate in creating literary works that came from their personal experiences and personal political beliefs? The answer is an affirmative. The literary artist must take his own personal history, distill truth from his experiences, and use his insights responsibly by sending a political and social message to the rest of the world.
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Dealing with Bullying and Domestic Violence in Schools Essay
Dealing with Bullying and Domestic Violence in Schools - Essay Example Bullying among kids is usually defined as intended, recurring hurtful deeds, words or other performance, like threatening, name-calling, also rejecting. This is being carried out by one or more kids against another. These harmful acts are not purposely motivated by the victim, also for such deeds to be identified as bullying; unevenness in real or apparent power should exist involving the bully along with the victim. Domestic violence inside the school organizations has lived for a stretched period of time. School violence is illustrated as vandalism, fights, and shootings, along with any deed that physically or psychologically damages another child. Any of these performances should be taken seriously, even among kindergarten children. Several people would declare that the reason for domestic violence is amplified technology. Previously MTVs, video games, and even great action movies violence amongst children was at a low pace. Since the beginning of these doings children have turned out to become more aware of imposing pain on other kids. The media has been a great influence on teaching children to pull out their fury in an unconstructive manner. These children are incapable to understand the distinction between realism and fiction. 3. Emotional bullying and violence includes terrorizing, rejecting, extorting, humiliating, defaming, blackmailing, rating/ranking of individual characteristics like ethnicity, race, disability, or alleged sexual orientation, influencing friendships, isolating, excluding and peer stress. 4. Sexual bullying and violence includes several of the performances listed above along with voyeurism, exhibitionism, sexual harassment, sexual propositioning, and abuse concerning real physical contact and sexual mugging. Bullying together with domestic violence among schoolchildren is quite familiar in the United States. Various appearances of hazing -
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Emergence of Baseball - World Civilization, History Essay
Emergence of Baseball - World Civilization, History - Essay Example 251). In this regard, the current essay aims to present the ways by which the game of baseball apparently reflected the realities of American life during its early years. The exact origin of baseball was identified to as early as the 1700s where a sport reportedly known as â€Å"base†, â€Å"base ball†or â€Å"goal ball†(Baker, 1997, p. 253) exemplified the framework for contemporary baseball. Its growth and popularity as a professional game was identified to have been fathered by Alexander Cartwright in 1845 (Baker, 1997, p. 253). During these early years, American life manifests a preponderance to activity, fast pace, a focus on industrialization and urbanization, consistent with overall economic development. The sport which was considered team sports was the perfect epitome of American life in terms of â€Å"reflecting the nationalistic, patriotic tendencies of the age†¦ (where) individuals found a sense of self-importance as parts of a larger whole†(Baker, 1997, p. 251). As America was exhibiting leads and gaining grounds for economic development and growth, the factors that likewise provided the impetus for se lecting a preferred sports that mirrored American life was reported to include the following: (1) increasing wages and a five-day work week; (2) technological advancement and development that enhanced the design, easy access, and availability of sports equipment; and (3) sports areas that conveniently housed spectators and players in various time frames (Baker, 1997, p. 252). Upon closer review, it could be deduced that American life veered away from rural and agricultural endeavors to industrialized and urbanized activities. The increasing income of households, in conjunction with more leisure time, enabled people to spend on alternative ways for entertainment and sports. Likewise, the popularity of watching a
Monday, August 26, 2019
Valuing Bonds Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Valuing Bonds - Essay Example The call provision feature allows bond issuers to pay off the remaining debt early before the maturity date. The role of the borrower is to make a lump sum payment derived from a formula based on the net present value (NPV) of future coupon payments that will not be paid because of the call. The call provision right is usually exercised at times of low interest rates and it allows the bond holder to retire what is currently a high interest debt and reissue it at a lower interest rate. Call provisions limit a bonds potential price appreciation because when interest rates fall, the price of a callable bond will not go any higher than its call price. Thus, the true yield of a callable bond at any given price is usually lower than its yield to maturity. A discount bond is a bond issued at a price lower than its par value is a bond currently trading at less than its par value in the secondary market. An example is a $4,000,000, 9%, 5-year bond with par value of $1000 issued at $970. A premium bond is a bond issued at a price higher than its par value is a bond currently trading at more than its par value in the secondary market. An example is a $4,000,000, 9%, 5-year bond with par value of $100 issued at $105. For a 5% bond, interest is paid is calculated at the interest rate on the par value of bond and is paid periodically (annually or semi-annually) while for a zero coupon bond, no periodic interest payments are made. When the bond reaches maturity, its investor receives its par (or face) value. "Calculate the price of a $1,000 (FV) zero coupon bond that matures in 20 years if the market interest rate is 6.5 percent." (Cornett, Adair, and Nofsinger, 2012, p. 147). Assume semi-annual compounding. 4. "Compute the price of a $1,000 (FV) 4.5 percent coupon bond with 15 years left to maturity and a market interest rate of 6.8 percent." (Cornett, Adair, and Nofsinger, 2012, p. 148). Assume interest payments are paid semi-annually,
Describe Wilson's Moral Diplomacy policies Research Paper
Describe Wilson's Moral Diplomacy policies - Research Paper Example Thus, Wilson’s moral diplomacy policies were essential as they encouraged people to develop reliable and desirable international relations, especially between the United State and other democratic nations. According to the text, Experience History, Volume 2: To 1877, strong international relations and affairs are the origin of development and economic growth in nations, and this is observed from the developments in the United States. The moral diplomacy policies fostered by Wilson were essentially rooted on the economic power with the understanding that democracy was, and is still the most salient aspect of a stable and growing country. Moral democracy was encouraged in the nation as it endorsed democracy and peace in the respective nation and other nations that had similar moral beliefs with U.S (James, Brian, Christine, Mark & Michael, 149-476). Reflecting on the argument of Wilson, (James, Brian, Christine, Mark & Michael, 149-476) the execution of the policies majored at c ondemning imperialism, as this aided the nation in improving its relations with other nations. In addition, the economic growth of the nation would be rapid as U.S was ready to support other nations who had democratic governments and had positive impacts to the economy and developments in U.S among other democratic nations. ... According to the text, implementation of the moral policies in the United State improved the international affairs among other democrats in the sense that the social, political and economic sectors of the respective nations were improved leading to standardized living styles in the nations (James, Brian, Christine, Mark & Michael, 149-476). The president used the fact that United State is a leading participant in the world economy to convince, and force other nations to submit to his moral diplomacy to improve the nation’s economic relations with other countries. Considering the article, The National Experience: A History of the United States (Pt. 1 & 2), the authors tried to define moral diplomacy as a tool that president Wilson attempted to use to win the social, political and economic support from other nations that were democratic. The writer shows how the President hoped to manipulate, and control other nations through economic pressures, and he achieved this by the effor ts he made in denying other nations that were, not to his idea economic support. According to the president, â€Å"The force if America is the force of moral principle†, and this was the phrase that he used to win support from other nations, thus raising the economic relations of his nation, U.S (John, William, Edmund, Arthur & Kenneth, 289-892). The moral diplomacy, according to the authors had several benefits and demerits to United State and other participating nations. For instance, American’s economic interests in other democratic nations are raised in the sense that, since U.S is a key player in the world economy, other nations depend on her for their economic development and this consequently raises the economic interests she has with other countries.
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Information Technology infrastructure for businesses Essay
Information Technology infrastructure for businesses - Essay Example Moreover, which would be the needs of such plan, meaning especially the people, organization and technology issues related to the specific business initiatives. Also, the implications of choosing hardware and software for the IT systems of a particular organization would be taken into consideration by the organization’s managers at an early stage, i.e. while planning the specific project, aiming to limit the chances of a potential failure. Choosing hardware and software for the organization can be a critical decision. IT systems have a key role in the development of each firm’s operations. However, their involvement in daily organizational activities can be differentiated across firms in accordance with the sector in which the firm operates, the business culture and the funds available for the support of the organization’s IT infrastructure. ... At the same time, choosing the appropriate hardware and software could affect the development of the organization; a highly performing IT system can result to the increase of the quality of customer services and the improvement of communication – exchange of information – across the organization; in other words, an effective IT system can lead to the increase of organizational performance offering to the organization a competitive advantage towards its rivals. However, in order for the above choice to be successful, it is necessary for certain people, organization and technology issues to be taken into consideration. More specifically, the managers involved in the specific decision have to ensure that the organization’s employees have the skills and capabilities required for handling the chosen software and hardware. Without the appropriately skilled staff, the new hardware and software would be of no value for the organization. Of course, it would be possible fo r the organization’s employees to be trained accordingly – a scheme which would be necessary in any case, under the terms that the chosen software and hardware would have specific requirements and the firm’s employees could not be aware of all of them (Kangas 2003). At the next level, it is required that the technology chosen to be compatible with the firm’s existing IT systems; if the replacement of the firm’s IT network is decided, then it would be made sure that the chosen hardware and software could cooperate – for example, a common operational environment would be chosen for the firm’s computers. Moreover, the cost of the software/ hardware chosen should be taken into consideration; this cost would include: the cost of the system’s
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Narcissistic personality disorder Research Paper
Narcissistic personality disorder - Research Paper Example Diagnosis There are no laboratory tests or medical examinations that can be undergone to determine if someone has narcissistic personality disorder. As such, narcissistic personality disorder is often diagnosed through the means of observing an individual displaying signs or symptoms, or else a psychological evaluation involving questionnaires and responding to certain scenarios during which signs of narcissism can be observed. Since many signs and symptoms of narcissistic personality disorder can be found in other personality disorders, it is not uncommon that someone is diagnosed with multiple disorders, or even misdiagnosed if there is not enough evidence to prove a specific disorder. In the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Health, the American Psychiatric Association has provided a list of criteria that must be met for a person to be properly diagnosed with narcissistic personality disorder. ... praised based on looks or talents by adults; severe emotional abuse as a child; an imbalance of excessive praise and excessive criticism; and overindulgence by the parents (Groopman and Cooper, 2006). When these behaviors are continued throughout the childhood of the individual and a failure on the behalf of the child causes a cease in the praise and admiration, narcissistic personality disorder can be exposed as they become an adult. Narcissistic personality disorder is a very rare personality disorder and is more common in adult males. As aforementioned, the cause of narcissistic personality disorder is unknown, but researchers have still compiled some risk factors that might play a role in an individual developing narcissistic personality disorder as they become older. A massive lack of praise during childhood or neglect or abuse during a young age are among the more common risk factors. As can be seen in the causes and risk factors, narcissistic personality disorder usually begin s while the individual is a child, but does not make itself known until they reach adulthood. Symptoms The greatest symptom of narcissistic personality disorder is overdramatic and overemotional behavior. â€Å"People with this disorder require attention and admiration and have difficulty accepting personal criticism (Sue et al, 2010)†. Some of the other more common symptoms connected with narcissistic personality disorder involve the individual believing that they are better than anyone else, thus acting accordingly and expecting an excess of admiration and praise from others. Suffers of narcissistic personality disorder over-exaggerate their accomplishments and their talents in an attempt to receive praise from others, though feeling jealous if they observe someone else being more
Friday, August 23, 2019
Crime and punishment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Crime and punishment - Essay Example Absence of punishments in a criminal justice system not only makes the criminals brave and fearless but also encourages them to commit crimes repeatedly. Here, I would like to say that punishment alone is not a very effective method for reducing the number of crimes because where it injects a sense of fear into the minds of the criminals; it also injects a sense of revenge in them, which is very harmful for the peace of whole society. A good method is to make use of reformation along with punishment because reformation changes the behavior and attitude of a criminal. Professional psychologists attempt to alter the behaviors of criminals by doing their psychotherapies and guiding them towards the right path. Therefore, I would say that although punishment is effective in reducing the number of crimes but it should be accompanied with reformation process in order to transform the criminals into peaceful citizens. To What Degree Punishment is Effective? The effectiveness of punishments depends on the type of punishment and the motive behind the punishments, which are given by the judges to the criminals. There are different types of punishments for different types of crimes. ... Punishments are very effective because they not only stop the criminals from committing crimes without any fear but also play a vital role in establishing and maintaining peace in a society. Punishments are very effective in reducing the number of crimes because it injects a sense of fear in the minds of the criminals, which stops them from committing any form of crime in future. The goals of punishments and one’s belief about the purpose of sentencing play a critical role in making punishments an effective tool for crime reduction. Decisions for punishments are only effective when they are based on merit because if a judge punishes a person without any solid proofs or by ignoring the ground realities, it injects a sense of revenge in the mind of that person, which makes him/her a real criminal once he/she comes out of jail. Therefore, I would say that the efficacy of punishments is deeply related with the merit-based decisions and with the purpose behind the punishments. Is C orporal Punishment Or The Death Penalty Justifiable In Any Sensible Way? Before going to describe whether corporal punishment and death penalty are sensible ways of punishments or not, let us get a better understanding of what corporal punishment and death penalty actually are. Corporal punishment means using physical force on a person as a form of punishment for a crime, whereas death penalty means sentencing a criminal to death because of some form of crime, which he/she commits. Both forms of punishments are given to the criminals in almost every country depending on the nature of crimes. I personally think that although corporal punishment is a harsh punishment, still it is a much better way to punish the criminals as compared to death
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Can This Bookstore Be Saved Essay Example for Free
Can This Bookstore Be Saved Essay The internet has brought an end to most brick and mortar locations of book stores and have changed the ways that book publishers market and sell their books. Publishers had to change the way they allocate printed books as well as beginning to release books as apps in order to change the ways that books are sold and open up to a wider audience. Paper books would create a bigger profit but do not sell as well as e-books. Book stores either had to adapt to the change or ultimately meet their end. Book stores had to reach to selling e-books and e-readers in order to maintain their sales. BN as well as book publishers are changing their business model to deal with the internet and e-book technology by increasing the features which they offer to their clientele. They are constantly upgrading the r-readers they provide and increasing the functionality of their e-books. Also they are looking to cater to the college student for their text book needs. 3. Yes BN’s new strategy will be successful. I feel that their new strategy will be successful because they are not appealing to more people especially college students that will repeatedly need to purchase or rent textbooks. As with new features they allow people to do more things even though some people may never use them the younger demographic would more than likely be drawn to those new features. 4. I feel that BN and publishers should be giving people more of a preview of the books to stimulate more business. With e-books it is harder to just impulse buy one because you cannot hold the book in your hand and read a few pages to see if you have a true feel for the book. The weaknesses  within Facebooks privacy policies and features are the fact they want you to share as much information as possible but they make your information openly readily available to anyone if you do not know how to go through all of Facebooks settings. They do not automatically protect your account and do not easily give you the information to do so. The factors that contribute to those weaknesses is the lack of information given to consumers, they do not tell you how your information will be used, the difficulty involved with updating how your information is shared and the fact they do not ask your permission for images. The way in which Facebook currently conducts business I do not think they can have a successful business model without invading privacy. I feel like they make the most of their business exploiting people’s privacy and their lack of knowledge with how to change their privacy settings. The only way I feel that they can make it successful would be to educating the people that use facebook to take the proper measures to make sure their information is not shared without their approval.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Renewable Energy Essay Example for Free
Renewable Energy Essay The possible downsides associated with different types of renewable energy resources are briefly listed below. Hydroelectric dam Located in remote hilly regions mostly prone to earth quakes Requires construction of large dams in potentially seismic zones Seasonality in power output as water flow is more in rainy season Nuclear Power Plants Accident if occur will cause lot of damage Radioactivity exposure to the personnel Radioactive waste disposal continues to be an unsolved issue Nuclear proliferation fear Solar Power Technology is yet to mature in terms of affordable and efficient solar panels Conversion efficiency is low Scalability is an issue Depends on sky condition Cannot produce electricity in night so storage device is required Green power refers to renewable energy resources which do not adversely affect ecological balance. Some examples are hydroelectric power, wind power, solar power, biomass etc. Advantages and disadvantages are listed below. Green Power Source Advantage Disadvantage Wind energy Free, clean Reliability is a big question mark Solar Energy Free, Clean, Plentiful Low conversion efficiency Hydroelectric Clean, free Located in remote hilly regions Today, the world is interested in renewable energy resources because the fossil fuels are limited in reserve and will deplete completely one day. Also, exploitation of the fossil fuels is leading to ecological imbalances and causing green house effect leading to global warming, which is a very serious issue, globally. The only answer to these problems is to go for renewable energy resources. Therefore, the world is so much interested in decreasing energy production from fossil fuel and increasing the same from renewable energy resources.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Flowers A Big Part Of Humans Life Marketing Essay
Flowers A Big Part Of Humans Life Marketing Essay Flowers are really a big part of humans life. Their beauty, colour and attractiveness allows us to carry our messages perfectly get-well soon for our family and sick friends, congratulation messages to a newly promoted friend, sympathy to a grieving group, and to show our feeling to another person. Every party or any occasion is celebrated with flowers. Or even without an occasion. Recent trends show that many of those who buy flowers buy it for themselves.  Florist shop is a comparitively easy business to stand up and rising. Florist is a kind of business where it did not required big financial income and its a glooming industry. There are few careers that offer so many advantages. As a florist we are all surrounded with beautiful flower every day and have a career which has lots of fun and interesting. And this business is not a seasonal business here the work is carry out for a year. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY We Bloomers and Stylers are aiming to provide Frequent Flower Gift Program which will differ from old florists by prepare personal relationships through the use of marketing, technology and innovation by giving a gift program that makes purchasing flowers easier and attractive to the consumers. MISSION The company will use sophisticated marketing techniques to identify and serve an ideal target audience which will apart from other older retailers and on-line florists by giving rapid Flower Gift Programs with extra service (e.g., consumers can select any precise delivery dates) and custom floral plans (e.g., consumers can specify colour, scent, flower). Keys to Success Designs should be new and innovative, better quality fresh and nice flower decoration using a variety of different containers, flowers and other styles. Creating a nice entrance that shows an art gallery, with new, fresh and floral arrangements displayed like art. Communicating with depending consumers through direct e-mail, print some advertisement and an easy website. CURRENT SITUATION It is thus no wonder that flowers have become big business. The Society of American Florists estimates that the floriculture industry will sell $19 billion in flowers, plants, and floral supplies for 2001. There are about 26,200 retail florist shops in the United States today making an average of $250,191 in annual sales. [1] By looking these figures a person can judge that this industry or a business has an extraordinary growth. Every month there are many occasions so this firm didnt fall down .It is increasing day by day and its a very good market nowadays. INDUSTRY ANALYSIS Industry analysis has a close view on economic factors, social factors and political factors. Frequent Buyer Program Subscriber 15-60 years of age Married, engaged or in a long-term relationship Quality conscious Decorated home makers The holidays, birthdays and anniversaries are the perfect dates for people to take as part of a Flower Gift Program. Percentage ranking by retail: Occasions Percentage 1 Valentines day 36% 2 Mothers day 27.4% 3 Christmas 15.1% 4 Thanksgiving day 7.4% 5 Sweetest day 1.2% 6 Grandparents day .09% 7 Fathers day .04% 8 Boss day .02%a Not only these occasions there uncountable days to celebrate something with flowers. To celebrate the marriage flowers are used. So it is used everywhere. All the economic factors lie in this table that what the consumers are required and they target a specific area. Same as with political factors like government is well concerned with the environment and emphasizes to grow more plants which really helps in our florist business. Social factor means the trend in which we are moving like flowers can be used for expressing something, attractiveness, nice essence and many more. So to get a single flower we should get many qualities. This will help our firm to improve and different from others business. So I think that this firm is very much comfortable to have a good competition in the market. PROJECT DISCRIPTION The first is business location, and the location must be in a high-traffic and highly visible area to increase walk-in business. The second issue is delivery. The business must provide consumers with a fast and efficient delivery service. The third important aspect of the business is national exposure. The business must join a florist association that promotes national delivery regardless of geographic location as some florist shops gain as much as 25 percent of their business from people who order flowers from outside the service area of the florist ( Store designing and layout Store design The outer part of a florist shop is estimated to account for the actual fascinate of 30% of all consumers. Very easy, innovative design with attractive and new displays A big interior design with lots of light and extra ordinary lighting to shine and look more attractive flower designs High clear view from the street, as well as looking pleasant at night A quality of distinct floral arrangements. Store policies The company will invest in consumer relationship management software (CRM) to collect consumers information, with their names, address, e-mail address and other required information ( flower likes/dislikes, birthday, colour selection, anniversary). These all information will be used with e-mail and direct mail attempt to build different marketing programs, establish consumers faithfulness. The company will offer a whole exchange policy to build some trust and dependencies with consumers and to maintain withholding, constancy and reliability. Store Location and Time scheduling Our store will be placed at Cannaught place (New Delhi) We plan to open on February 14(Valentines day) and will be providing free sample of flowers to consumers. Free parking should be available for the consumers who will visit the area. OPERATION AND PRODUCTION PLAN It will depend on the nature of our business. I am selling consumer goods, it will be important to make sure i can get those products to your clients at the time you promise. PRODUCTS OFFERED Creative Floral Designs, Using A Varied Mix of Flowers-. The floral arrangement should be natural, original work of art. The company has promise to make each preparation unique and custom-designed based on each consumers needs. Floral arrangements will feature a different range of seasonal flowers. All sample preparation in the store will be there for purchase. innovative Containers- We will select and offer distant vases for the different buyer or for a special reason, as well as reasonable options for timely purchases. .Variety of prices. We will sale a different kind of arrangement sizes, and will always create a those vases which will meet anyones requirement and in their proper budget. Hand-tied Bouquets. For consumers who choose to use their own vases, we should offer hand-tied bouquets. These are the important factors from which consumers will attract. Production involves materials, tools, machines, labour cost. I would preferably buy my material in a wholesale rate and I will produce my own material and it will increase my production as well as my sales of profit .I will buy some equipment like a system which cost 20000rs. A credit card machine of rs5000. And I have decided not to spent more than Rs30000 on this equipment. Other than this an air-condition, on tills of the floor, decoration of the shop. MARKETING PLAN Marketing Objectives We need to establish and to make our reputation as an independent, easy way to buy some flowers and feeling of romance with some loved once. Why should local residents buy from us? It is Easy, handy and suitability. Consumer will experience special shopping qualities. Qualities of the flowers are very good and unique floral decoration. Very fast delivery program that is available. There is a home exchange of the opinion available. Event floral services are available to consumers. It will Support the local dealers. 4.3 Marketing strategies 1.Public Relations Spread around the stores Grand Opening and the ease of availability of services. Publicize our new releases on the local newspapers. 2.Advertisings I will advertise by printing my brochures. I will distribute my Pamphlets and posters. In Newspapers, journals, magazines. 3. Direct Mail/Postcards Develop a list of likely clients for timely communications about vacation specials and regular buyer/gift programs. Provoke more and more users to a particular website that enables them to see sample plans, 4. E-Mail Sending an e-mail to a particular society and then it will make a chain to deliver that e-mail. 5.Marketing Materials Develop a regular look and feel for all corporate security, including: Comment cards collect name, addresses, e-mail, plus feedback on services. One-page brochure describing Frequent Flower Buyer Programs. Stationery business cards, letterhead, envelopes. Gift cards. Packaging develop no-spill packaging to make it easy to transport flowers and use all packaging for branding opportunities. 6.Website Highlight some regular flower program, enable visitors to diary a free phone inquiry and advices, HUMAN RESOURCE PLAN It requires few persons to start this business. First of all owner of the company is the financer and it also have to do lots of work like estimating profits, price policies, designing all the arrangement, pay to suppliers, advertise of the business, handling some kind of complains from the consumer. Basically owner is everything and he/she has to be experienced in taking decisions. Other person that is required is delivery boy who will listen for the consumer requirement and serve the home-deliveries. Other than him a person who have to take care of the plants and flower because flowers has a very short life. And some temporary persons may be required for the important dates when there is a lot of rush in the firm. I will find my employers from the internet and they should have some knowledge of this firm. ASSESMENT OF RISK Starting a new firm we have a serious concern on the risk. A person who is doing this firm must have the experience and if there is no experience then try to gain something about this firm while starting a new business. An entrepreneur did not start any business without the opportunity first of all try to gain some idea and then start. For this research have to done and cover some portions like the place where to set up, windows of opportunity is open. First of all start a business in a small investment then grow it up. Risk came when there are many competitors in the market but what we have to do, try to give some extra facilities, a nice product and in the reasonable cost. This thing reduces the risk in doing business. FINANCIAL PLANS First check out the break even analysis. The cost which we spent is getting profitable. Then project the profit and loss on every product. It also deals with labour cost and cost on the product. Then project every data on the balance sheet. After that compare the ratios with the different year profits and get some idea that the firm in in loss or profit. COST AND PROFITABILITY Startup expenses Contents Amount 1 Showroom on rent 30,000 2 Initial marketing advertising 50,000 3 Stationery 25,000 4 DSL installation service activation 4000 5 Office supplies, giftwrap,packaging 25,000 6 Furniture 50,000 7 Equipment 2,46,000 8 2 Delivery mens 12,000 + 4000(transportation) 9 2 Decorators Designers 20,000 10 Startup inventory (Flowers) 75,000 11 Freshning equipment Freshners 50,000 12 Cleanliness or sweeper 1000 13 Electricity charges 8000 Total Expenditure 6,00,000 Equipments includes: 2 line phone system 10,000 CRS Software 1,70,000 Laptop 30,000 Credit card software 16,000 1 Air conditioner 20,000 CAPITAL INVESTED Planned investment Bank loan 6,00,000 vikrant 1,50,000 Total planned investment 7,50,000 Total planned investment (A) = 7,50,000 Total expenditure (B) = 6,00,000 (A-B) Additional working capital = 1,50,000 YEAR 1 YEAR 2 YEAR 3 PLAN MONTH 1 2 3 CURRENT INTEREST RATE 10.00% 10.00% 10.00% LONG TERM INTEREST RATE 10.00% 10.00% 10.00% TAX RATE 25.42% 25.00% 25.42% OTHERS 0 0 0 Personnel plan YEAR 1 YEAR 2 YEAR 3 MANAGER 200000 250000 400000 EMPLOYEES 300000 325000 360000 TOTAL PEOPLE 5 6 6 TOTAL PAYROLL 500000 575000 760000 Profitability It depends upon contractual terms,by organizing events on special occasions. Providing flowers for decoration purposes in temples and other religious places. Especially in vrindavan. Revenue generated through sales on daily basis. Revenue generated on special occasions BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. accessed on 15 Nov 2010
The Controversy Over Internet Censorship Essay example -- Television M
The Controversy Over Internet Censorship     For many people, using the Internet has become practically a new way of life, especially for college students and the like. Various types of information can be accessed at the touch of a button: anything from encyclopedias, to surveys and essays, to articles from magazines, and adult sites. Anyone who pays for their Internet service is usually offered space for his or her own web page, and even many free services provide space for personal web pages. All of this available space can be used for any number of reasons: posting newsletters for community groups, advertising for businesses, or just voicing one’s opinion. For those of us who know how to use this information, or at least how to find what we need out of it, it’s a very good thing. But what about children? If adults can access this information with such ease, what’s stopping kids from checking it out too? Who decides what’s appropriate for kids and whatâ€⠄¢s not when their parents aren’t constantly leaning over their shoulders? And what about posting things that may be offensive to other people, no matter what age they might be?     With easy access to the Internet and the multitude of Internet services providing all this free web space, many people decide to take advantage. A person may have a very strong opinion about a subject and feel the need to voice that opinion on a personal web site, whether it is for the purpose of talking about his or her self, or informing others of a particular issue. What happens when it’s an opinion that some think is funny, yet others find hurtful and offensive? Can sites like this be censored in order not to offend people? But what about the people who find it amusing? Isn’t t... ...hould take in to consideration the thoughts and feelings of others who may be offended, and should also be aware of the influence their information can have on children and others.                      Works Cited Legislation to Repeal the Internet Censorship Provisions of the Communications Decency Act.     Electronic Privacy Information Center. 19 Jan. 1997. Is There a Right to Speech that Advocates Illegal Acts or Violence? Electronic Frontier        Foundation. Racist Speech on College Campuses. Electronic Frontier Foundation. Marriott, Michel. "Rising Tide: Sites Born of Hate." New York Times. 18 Mar 1999.         Â
Monday, August 19, 2019
A Life of Usefulness and Reputation :: Medicine College Admissions Essays
A Life of Usefulness and Reputation  The moral responsibility of training individuals for a life of usefulness and reputation rests within the university. However, it is difficult to define what this type of life entails. College education, therefore, is not about supplying students with specific moral obligations to be completed over the course of their lives; instead, universities teach their students to be proactive, to question everything, and to never be afraid to make mistakes. I am confident that my education at Brown, both in and out of the classroom, as well as my interests and concerns reflects my acquisition of these moral obligations.  When I entered Brown University as a freshman, I was completely intimidated by my fellow classmates. I was afraid to ask questions in class for fear of sounding unintelligent. I seldom attended my professors' office hours. Paranoid, I spent hours in the libraries trying to memorize all of my material without fully understanding it. At the end of first semester, I returned home feeling unfulfilled academically and socially. Was this what the next four years of my life would be like?  Over winter break, I came to realize that I had been looking at my educational experience completely backwards. In this way, Brown University is a scary place because you can miss the point completely; there is no one looking out for you, holding your hand to tell you to make the right decisions. This is why college is the obvious environment to teach students how to acquire reputable and useful lives. This type of life is not just thrown at you, as it might be in high school. It is the student's job to create a place for himself where he will be academically and socially fulfilled. This is what I learned from my first semester and this is the environment I have tried to create for myself ever since.  Both inside and outside class, I learned to be proactive, to question everything, and never to be satisfied with imperfection. I learned that my classmates were not evil rivals, but fellow comrades with the same educational goals as my own. I found them to be invaluable sources of help and guidance in my education. Although extremely different, each Brown student is incredibly passionate about whatever they love to do. I still like nothing better than to sit in a room with a few friends and discuss ideas and concepts that were presented in class.
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Impact of Excessive Government Regulation :: Over-regulated America
     Some believe the government regulates business too much others feel that the government does not do enough. I believe the government is regulating business far too much and furthermore putting businesses out of business and causing many workers to lose jobs. In this paper I will point out the common problems dealing with government regulation. I will also focus on three major aspects of government regulation which include: 1) regulation interferes with production by halting innovation and discouraging risk taking, resulting in declining employment, 2) government over regulates by setting standards for every aspect of manufacture when it could allow businesses to set overall objectives for their business, 3) regulation cost too much in business compliance, which is passed on to the consumer and finally forces the company out of business. The objectives of safety and health will better be achieved in the absence of government regulation. Government regulatory agencies have spent billions of dollars and there is little evidence that the world is any better off than it was without the agencies and costly reforms. When reading further ask yourself the question, does the costs or regulation outweigh the benefits, I believe they do not.      Regulatory programs normally are started by a group of people with a single interest and pressure the government and people to believe that there is a major crisis, creating panic to an alleged problem. When this happens it pressures Congress to pass a reform law in fear of not being reelected. Media groups also aid in creating panic by focusing on the bad and not the possible solutions to fix the problem. What happens is Congress passes a reform that they have little thought over and create costly new standards that could make little difference in the world. A good example of this happened during the adoption of the auto emission standards of 1970. When Congress passed a bill with little debate and few people having any idea on what the bill was about, creating costly reforms and forcing cut backs on business expenses. In all of the cases of 1970 the Congress chose to regulate instead of the alternatives; court penalties for polluters, tax penalties for employers with poor safety records, or government-funded information programs. The health and safety regulators were created in response to a nonexistent crises, therefore it is not surprising they have made little impact.      Sam Peltzman, University of Chicago economist, did a cost-benefit analysis of the drug regulations that followed the thalidomide tragedy in Europe. In his analysis he focused on the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) which is alike the older single-industry regulators and some of its problems are typical
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Coffee Shops Essay
~Learning Issues~ 1. To describe consumers’ decision making in different market segments when they choose retailers of coffee using CDP. 2. To identify additional research that should be conducted to validate assumption about consumer decisions at each stage of the CDP model. 3. To learn how to organize marketing program should be provide for our customers after recognize their decision making process. 4. To see the impact of brand positioning to the consumers decision making. 5. To recommend marketing strategy after learn about consumers decision making process. 1. 0 Summary 2. 0Problem Identification Figure 1: Crimson Cup market segments As a wholesaler of coffee and tea and a provider of marketing programs to independent coffee shops and retailers, CrimsonCup has experienced growth over the past decade and is within range of becoming the nation’s second- or third-largest alternative to Starbucks. Figure 1 show about the segmentation of the Crimson Customers which divided into primary customers and ultimate customers. Primary customers are the independent coffee shops, grocery and restaurant. However the ultimate customers are divided into two groups; first is the consumers that buy the coffee from the primary customers and brewing at home; second is the consumers go to the coffee shops to drink coffee. The important of understanding of the ultimate customers are very important because the demand of the primary customers comes from the demand of ultimate customers as consumers. This company branding mission has focused on creating the independent retailer as the brand, rather than the product supplier. The CrimsonCup brand is featured on packaged coffee sold by retailers for office or home consumption, on mugs and cups provided to retailers and in some other promotional materials, and the firm is now considering the issue of weather it should be more aggressive in its promotion of the CrimsonCup or Coffee for Independent Thinkers brands as well as how best to develop its strategy of helping the independent coffee shops it serves. In understanding of the consumers’ wants and need, they search for many information and from the case, there is one consumer research already give some result about coffee consumption that made the university students or people that closely related to the university environment as focus group. The information get from this research need some additional approval from others finding to made their assumption about the behavior of the consumers to the Crimson Cup product or information related to the coffee consumption will be more meaningful to understand the attitudes of the consumers. By using the consumer decision making model, we are trying to analyze the consumer behavior in consuming coffee and make our recommendations about what strategy should be focus by this company and to suggest some alternatives to solve their problems and to get more opportunities in this industry. 3. 0Analysis We are using the consumers’ decision making model to analyze the consumer behavior of this company. 3. 1Market Segmentation Evaluation The differences of consumers in making decision will make them divided into difference segments in the market. Before we continue to discuss about the consumer decision making process that shows in figure 2, we underline first the environmental influences and individual differences because this two elements in the CDP’s model will be important to most of part in the consumer decision making process. Environmental Influences We found that the environmental influences for this product are culture, family and situation: 1. Culture: The customer segments in this case change over the past year. The American coffee culture brought on by an insurgence of gourmet coffee retailers and than evolved to a point where â€Å"getting a coffee, going out for coffee, is our little space in the workday to call our own†. The evolution of the culture show that how important of coffee in the American culture and they consume it anytime that more than just take the coffee in their breakfast early in the morning. 2. Family: From the research, one of important factors that influence purchasing decision is recommendation from family or friends. 3. Situation: The consumption of coffee in this market segments can also influence by occasion factor means when the whether at that time in winter, they will take more coffee rather than during summer. Figure 2: Consumer Decision Process Model Individual Differences 1. Consumer resources will make individual influences because the consumers in this case have different resources especially time, students or people that working in the university will have limited time to spend for searching location for the coffee shops. They will choose the nearer shops to take a little break to make them fresh. For the money resources, they are not constraint of it because from the research price is at sixth factor that encourage them to buy the coffee and seventh factors that discouraged them to not take it. We can predict that, the consumers in this coffee drink market are not price sensitive because of enough money resources. 2. Attitudes: The beliefs and feeling that more on quality and convenience place when they consume the coffee will make differences to their individual factors. Percent Beliefs and feeling 1. 58 Regularly buy coffee at coffee shop said coffee shops offer better-quality coffee. 2. 33 They think coffee shops sell better coffee than those of their competitors 3. 37 Purchase their coffee at coffee shops instead brewing it at home normally goes to the closest one. 4. Personality: person that need more energy and have busy lifestyle will take more coffee rather than people that consume it because of social activities like to spend time with their friends with coffee. 3. 2Need Recognition Consumers in the coffee market will start recognize that they need to take a cup of coffee at least when there is environmental influences occurs, when their mind set that they must take coffee as the term as ‘consumption norms’ in their culture, they will need to take it anytime. That is the reason why the American will take coffee not only in the morning like Malaysian in their breakfast but anytime when it crosses to their mind. They also will take coffee more in the winter season because their need to make themselves hot and tasty, as well as the routine and tradition of sharing a drink with friends as a social event. For individual differences, the need of the student and people in the university will be differences each of them depends on their psychological affect that when they want to have energy or avoid sleepy when they doing their work, they have to take a coffee. The need recognition for this group will be high when they have many assignments that must be done every time and have to stay up at night. 3. 3Search When the consumers had need recognition process in their mind, they will start with making internal search. In their memory will have some information when they are exposing and have retention to some coffee brand before in their mind. Marketer must stimuli the consumer memory with their activity and non-marketer also give some conformation in this process that consider as external search. Even from the research said that brand is not factors that really encourage or discourage them to choose the coffee but how the marketers positioning their brand still are important. In this case, the marketers generally make TV commercials, store displays, give free samples in the mall and fliers and newspaper coupons to influence the consumers but approach that use by the Crimson Cup to position their product using: 1. Their position statement is â€Å"coffee for Independent Thinkers†as approval to consumers that they will get quality drinks in a clean and friendly environment. From the report said, â€Å"People see ‘coffee for independent Thinkers’ and come in to the coffee house. They like the message. †2. The Crimsoncup believe that quality can make consumers perceive more better to their product and because of that, they offer quality coffee bean that: Have Fair Trade Certified Organic coffee are certified by USDA (Quality Certification Services) Signature blends. Flavored coffees in light, medium, and dark roasts with Class I Specialty Grade Coffee. Non-marketer also will stimuli them because in this case, word-of-mouth from other people experience will influence them to get information about a new coffee house. Recommendation from family and friends also will influence them to choose the coffee shops. The more effective stimuli expose to the consumer the more intention the brand will be keep it the memory of the consumers. 3. 4Pre-Purchase Evaluation of Alternatives Again this process will influence by environmental influences and individual differences. If they have and experience before with satisfaction after consume the coffee drink, positive reinforcement will be happened to encourage them to use this information in the pre-purchase evaluation alternatives process. But the most important element here is the influence or recommendation from the family and friends to choose the coffee shops or to buy the coffee brands. Here, factor that encourage and discourage will be play in the consumer mind while making evaluation. Research finding is like table 1 and table 2 that mention about factors encourage and discouraged consumers to return to the coffee shops. Table 1: Factors encourage consumers to return to the store Factor Description Score 1. Location Highest score show that the consumers prefer to choose the closest store/shops. 6. 6 2. Taste – 6. 43 3. Atmosphere When going for social reason, atmosphere is important, but less when going alone. 6. 04 4. Price Ranked fifth 5. 19 5. Brand For a favored brand was a reason to purchase coffee for office or home use. 4. 95 Table 2: Factors discourage consumers to return to the store Factor Description Score 1. Taste Highest score 6. 90 2. Price Ranked fourth 6. 00 3. Brand. Brand ranked low as a reason for choosing a store or determining frequency of visits to the store. 4. 56 Even the locations the first choice but the reason of consumers will return to the store are combination of taste, price and location. Speed of service was also mentioned as a factor when deciding to go. 3. 5Purchase When they purchase the coffee, the factors that will attract them to come to the shop are the location and the quality that they will receive from the shop like the taste of coffee as the second encourage factors and also clean and friendly environment. From the report of the Crimson Cup Independent retailers said ‘People see ‘Coffee for Independent Thinkers’ and come in to the coffee house. They like the message’. This shows the success of the retailers to attract the consumers using the brand slogan and the services that will provide clean and friendly environment. 3. 6Consumption From the research found that the most positive items sometimes bought at a coffee shop were breakfast food such as list in table below: Table 3: others items buy in coffee shop. Food Percentage 1. 2. 3. 4. Bagel and muffins Sweets (cookies and cakes) Chai tea Not ever purchase other items 55 14 8 13 Because of the culture of American like coffee, so there is no special time for them to get a cup of coffee but for the students, the probability is drinking coffee early in the morning to boost energy before start work or at night to retain and maintain energy to stay up doing assignment until early in the morning. 3. 7Post-consumption Evaluation. From the case, if they have a bad experiences to the coffee they will make punishment with tell others consumer to not take the coffee at that shop but when they have positive experience they will came again. The research finding tell us that taste of the coffee will be the second important factors why they choose the coffee drinks and the first factor they not return to the coffee shops. So, even location will be the first factor to encourage them to come again to the shops but the taste still be most important as the first things that should be focus by the Crimsoncup to maintain the product quality. Quality is more refer to the taste and the convenience is more refer to the location. The level of satisfaction is encourage by this both factors that make the consumers perceive they receive a good quality product at the right location plus with quality extra services in clean and friendly environment. 3. 8Divestment They did not mention about anything for this process. We will suggest them to make research to identify some information like what the customers do with the bean if they brew it at home, the packaging and maybe the cup to serve the coffee. This information can be use by Crimson Cup to complete building an effective marketing strategy. 4. 0SWOT analysis of Crimson Cup coffee From the case, we analysis their company using SWOT analysis like figure below: Strength Weaknesses Statistics shows that small prepared coffee retailers are growing faster than the mighty Starbucks. Crimson Cup is has specialize in this industry by served independent coffee houses, teaching independent coffee shop owners the skills needed to operate a viable and competitive business. Greg Ubert as a founder of this company is the author of ‘The Seven Steps to Success: A Common Sense Guide to Succeed In Specialty Coffee’. We see this directly to share skills and information with the independent coffee shops retailers but indirectly influence the consumers that they will get quality services from the coffee shops. They have their own website that can search from website address www. forindependenthinkers. com or www. crimsoncup. com . Its expert baristas have opened well over hundred coffee shops around the country. Its starts-up program includes every things needed to operate independently without the constraints of franchise agreements. The coffees that they serve have quality certification like we discuss at the previous chapter. The slogan ‘Coffee for Independent perceive positively by the consumers. The Crimson Cup just focus limit their activities on the coffee and not serving bagels and muffins or sweets even there is demand of the item that found from the research. Opportunity Threat Coffee consumption is very important in American cultures There is winter season every year in that country. There is demand for items purchase with coffee in the shops (i. e. : muffins or cookies) . Recommendation from family or friends is one of the five most important factors for influencing purchase. 58% of respondents who regularly buy coffee at a coffee shop said coffee shops offer better-quality coffee and 33% perceive that the coffee quality of this shops better than competitors There are many competitors in coffee industry that serve with multi-style of marketing strategy such as Starbucks. The negative impression of the consumers to the coffee shops will make them distribute the information using word-of-mouth as a punishment or negative reinforcement for them our others consumers. 5. 0Alternatives There are many problems we identify before so the alternatives we provide here will give suggestion to the entire problem that we will use the make effective recommendation in the next chapter. The alternative will be dividing into: Additional research that should be done to make assumption. Brand focus Marketing strategy Marketing program (IMC) 5. 1Additional Research for More Understanding of the Consumer Behavior. After we make analysis, we put the research that had been done and come with the additional research that possible to be done to make more effective assumption for this company target market like table 4 below: Table 4: Consumer Research Stage Process Done Additional 1 Need recognition Environmental influences Culture Family Situation Individual differences Knowledge Attitudes lifestyle Environmental influences Social Class Individual differences Consumer resources Value 2 Search Stimuli (to general finding) Marketer (TV commercial, etc) Non-marketer (word-of-mouth). The research should be done more focus on the Crimson Cup. 3 Pre-purchase evaluation of alternative Factor encourage and discouraged to return to the coffee shops What make consumers satisfied and come again to the coffee shops. 4 Purchase Location Price Nature/quality of assortment Store clientele can be good research because it will be influence by the social culture. 5 Consumption How they consumer When they consume Where they consume How much they consumer? 6 Post-purchase evaluation Dissatisfaction ? (punishment) Satisfaction? Reaction? 7 Divestment There is no research state in this case. How customer’s divest packaging /cups? 5. 2Brand Focus Here is the evaluation of the alternatives for the brand focus; ‘Coffee for Independent Thinkers’ Advantages: 1. Consumers like the statement, ‘Coffee for Independent Thinkers ’. Once they see this slogan shows in the window of the coffee house, they will go in the coffee house. Besides that, those coffee houses which display this slogan on the window of the coffee houses are promise to offer quality drinks in a clean and friendly environment. 2. University students are the group of people that public perceives them as independent thinkers. So, by emphasis on ‘Coffee for Independent Thinkers’ brand, drinking CrimsonCup coffee can be a trend or lifestyle for the students. 3. When consumers see the seal, they know this coffee house is offer good quality coffee and nice environment for them to enjoy the coffee. As a result, ‘Coffee for Independent Thinkers’ slowly becomes the seal of guarantee for quality coffee. This action also fulfills the need of the consumers that the taste of the coffee is the most important reason that makes consumer to come back again. So, when the consumers see the seal ‘Coffee for Independent Thinkers’, 4. Crimson Cup primary customers is the independent coffee shops, other than attracting the consumers, they also can influence the independent coffee shops retailers to perceive positively this brand slogan. 5. The impact of the slogan show from the research that 58% of respondents who regularly buy coffee at a coffee shop said coffee shops offer better-quality coffee and 33% perceive that the coffee quality of this shops better than competitors. Disadvantages 1. Another disadvantages of promoting ‘Coffee for Independent Thinkers’ brand is CrimsonCup brand has exist for a long time. Most of the people know about CrimsonCup brand because anything about the coffee will makes consumers think of CrimsonCup. For example, when we mention about CrimsonCup, consumers will start thinking of a company who sells good quality coffee bean; a company that provide training for those who would like to open a coffee house; a company offer good quality coffee and etcetra. 2. If suddenly the company changes CrimsonCup to ‘Coffee for Independent Thinkers’ brand, consumers will get confused whether this is a new brand or another company cooperate with CrimsonCup. ‘Crimson Cup’ Advantages: 1. It already establish from 1991 and use by the company. Disadvantages: 1. Consumers are not really care about the brand of the coffee when they just simply want to drink coffee. Only those consumers who purchase the coffee mainly for office or home use will care about the brand of the coffee. So, with only focusing on the CrimsonCup, the impact of promotion or advertising activities not give high impact the consumers intention. Under this kind of situation, they will just choose which coffee house is nearer and convenient for them. 2. Consumers has possibility to ranked this brand quality is same like competitors. 5. 3Marketing Strategy To overcome with the marketing strategy, we divide the alternatives with 4 P’s. For these alternatives, we are using push strategy to encourage the demand from the consumers and pull strategy to encourage the primary customers to run their own activities that can encourage the increasing of sales. 5. 3. 1Price strategy Pricing strategy for the primary customers: Alternative 1: Allowance Alternative 2: Discount Here are the alternatives for the consumers (ultimate customers) Alternative 1: Membership price. Membership price usually entitle for primary customer who purchase constantly and loyal customers. Most of them are independent coffee shop or restaurant. Here customers need to fill in the membership form. This membership duration can last for one year. Crimson Cup provide them special price and keep their purchasing track record. For ultimate customers, every time they purchase at our coffee shop they have to present the membership card and membership number, so they are entitle for 8% discount for each cup of coffee. Each time they purchase by using the membership card they can collect the points and redeem it at our coffee shop. Other than that the advantage being a membership of CC is; based from the track record and base from the personal details we have, we will appreciate our customer during their birthday by giving them birthday coupon and they can redeem it at our coffee shop. Alternative two: Quantity discount Crimson Cup chooses by giving an ‘extra amount’ is one of the good idea to encourage customer to buy in large amount especially independent coffee shop. Every 2kg customers will enjoy 200grms extra. Customer pays for 2kgs price but enjoy 2200grms coffee. From 200grms coffee can cover at least 10 cups of coffee and coffee shop can gain an extra profit from it. For our coffee shop, customers who order five items in a single receipt worth $70 and above entitle for a regular cup of cappuccino for free. This idea is to encourage customer to come in a big group. 5. 3. 2Product strategy A product is define as anything that can be offered to the market for attention, use or consumption and that might satisfy a want or need ( Armstrong and Kotler 278). Alternative 1: Crimson Coffee CrimsonCup is a specialty coffee roaster. Their coffee beans are a special blend that Armando created, which is called Armando’s Blend. It’s smooth, no aftertaste, and smells delightfully good and full fill the coffee drinker’s need. Alternative 2: Coffee Cup Coffee can use disposable cup to serve their coffee with Crimson Coffee name and tagline ‘Coffee for Independent Thinkers’. This is because we want customers to drink with passion. The brown color paper with Crimson Coffee name is actually one different layer of paper. The main function of it is actually to absorb hit and cold; meaning that if customers buy some hot drink they can easily hold the brown layer to avoid them from hot especially kids. It is also same if they buy cold drink, the brown layer is use to absorb the water so that customer no need to ask for tissue paper. Alternative 3: Paper Bags. Fair Trade is an innovative, market-based approach to sustainable development. Crimson Cup is certified organic and shade grown. This means that the products you buy maintain biodiversity, provide shelter for migratory birds and help reduce global warming. Crimson Cup Coffee use paper bag and the material can easily recycle. At the paper bag stated clearly the Crimson Coffee Brand and tagline ‘Coffee For Independent Thinkers’ . Behind the paper bag consumers can search the map for the nearest Quality Certified stores on the CrimsonCup website. Alternative 4 : Product labeling They should show the Crimson Cup Logo at the packaging of the coffee bean that sell in the grocery or coffee shops. All off the certification they get also should be publish at the packaging or cups and mugs use to serve the coffee. Alternative 5: sell muffins, bagels, cookies and cake. They should sell items like bagels, muffins; cookies and cake because of there are demands of the products that consume together with the coffee. 5. 3. 3Promotion Strategy Making joint venture Making joint venture can be one of the methods for its marketing recommendations. For an example making joint venture with famous fast food companies such as MacDonald in order to put coffee in its menu. Now a day’s making joint venture is one of the ways for companies in order to make themselves more popular like PepsiCo which joint venture with KFC or Lipton. 5. 3. 4Place strategy. Clean, friendly environment because consumers more perceive on quality and convenience. Service delivery if the place is too far. Make a target for the range of shops in one town. 5. 4Integrated Marketing Communication program (IMC) Before we suggest alternatives for the IMC, actually the goals of the marketing program are: 1. To increase more awareness about the Independents coffee shops, grocery, and restaurant those serves the coffee from Crimson Cup or sell the coffee beans from this company. 2. To increase the knowledge of the consumers about the coffee and this activities will stimulate them to come to coffee shops or brewing at home. Alternatives 1:Barista4aDay Contest One of the programs which are launched is Barista4aDay which is a program for coffee lovers as customers (ultimate customers) or even independent coffee shop owners (primary customers). The program is simple. One coffee lover gets to spend a day learning the art of Barista. A Barista is a professional who is highly skilled in coffee preparation, with a comprehensive understanding of coffee, espresso, roast degree and espresso equipment. Point of purchase Try the coffee in front of the coffee shops. Crimson Cup travel to the focus group. Go to university or potential place by lorries. Leader’s opinion 6. 0Recommendation of Strategy After we list the all alternatives for all the problems that we underline in second chapters, we come with the recommendations below in the combination of strategy that will be run to influence the consumers’ decision making process. 4 P’s Price: Alternative 1: Allowance Alternative two: Quantity discount Product: Alternative 1: Crimson Coffee Alternative 2: Coffee Cup Alternative 4: Product labeling Alternative 5: sell muffins, bagels, cookies and cake. Promotion: Making joint venture. Package to make them try the muffin as new product Place: Clean and friendly environment. IMC (annual program) Baristas4aDay with personality Research Store clientele 7. 0Plan of action Program Responsible Duration Description 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 8. 0Contingency Plan 4 P’s Price: Alternative 1: Discount during winter season Alternative two: Quantity discount Product: Alternative 1: Crimson Coffee Alternative 2: Coffee Cup Alternative 4: Product labeling Promotion: Place: Clean and friendly environment. IMC (annual program) Point of purchase at the store Word of mouth by a leader 9. 0Conclusion. Consumer decision making model is very useful to analyze the behavior of consumers start from need recognition process until the divestment process. But, to get information for the every step or process in the model, some research should be run because research will supply more reliable and valid information to make our assumption more accurate. The assumption will be use to make prediction to the consumers decision making and this information are useful when the marketer trying to strategize their marketing programme or marketing activities to supply the products that can really transfer value the consumers. Reference: Blackwell, Miniard and Engel (2006), Consumer Behavior, 10th Ed. , Thompson, Southwestern Kotler, P. (2006) Marketing Management 12th edn. , Upper Saddle River, New Jersey; Perentice Hall. Kotler, P and Gary Armstrong (2006). Principles of Marketing 11th edn. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey, USA: Prentice-Hall Inc http://www. wikipedia. com http://www. mplans. com http://www. forindipendentthinkers. com.
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