Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Domestic Violence And Its Effects On Society - 2773 Words
Domestic violence can be described as authority misused by one person in a relationship to control the other. It is the establishment of fear and control in one’s relationship through violence and other forms of abuse. Domestic violence can be in a form of physical assault, sexual assault, social abuse, psychological abuse, and financial abuse. The occurrence of the violence can be sometimes on and off, occasional or long-lasting. Many may confuse the term domestic violence as a simple argument, but that is not true. Domestic violence is a pattern of using threats and force to make someone do something. Many abusers use threats, physical and sexual violence, emotional insults and economic deprivation as a way to dominate their†¦show more content†¦Wife beating was similar to rape or abortion back then, it was viewed as a private and shameful act, that’s why only a few women discussed their issue. Men hit women with immunity until feminist activists’ renamed wife beating as domestic violence, and described its victims as â€Å"battered women.†Many women searched for help all around, they needed protection. Activists created a system of shelters for women who tried to escape, often with their children, because the violence threatened by their spouse. Congressional passage of violence against women act was ultimately spurred on by decades of growing unease over the rising violent crime rate and a focus on women as crime victims. Beginning in the 1960s, the violent crime rate rose steadily, igniting concern from both the public and the federal government. Supplementing the concern for the nation’s rising violent crime rate was the concern for violence against women. In the 1970s, grassroots organizations began to stress the need for attitudinal change regarding violence against women. These organizations sought a change in attitude among both the public as well as the law enforcement community. During the 1970’s, feminists tried to reach out and teach women that violence was wrong and that they had the right to be free from it. â€Å"We will not be beaten†became the slogan of the
Monday, December 16, 2019
Leche Free Essays
Sale University and University of Santos Thomas. Linkman eventually returned to the motherland to study Philippine Literature and colonial history at UP Dilemma Some of his novels are Rolling the Or’s. Kayak Press (1995) Prime Time Apparitions. We will write a custom essay sample on Leche or any similar topic only for you Order Now Hanging Loose Press (2005) The Evolution of a Sigh. Hanging Loose Press (2008) Lech. Coffee House Press (2011). II. A Summary of the Novel The story is about a Filipino-American named Vince who left the Philippines to live in Hawaii at the age often years old with his siblings Jinn, aged eleven and Alvin who had Just turned nine. The story started when Vine’s friend Edgar told him to Join Mr.. Pogo in Hawaii so that he could win a trip back home in motherland Philippines. After winning second place in the said pageant he was able to go back home. In Manila, He meets Bins Boca, Sister Marie and Kuris Aquinas, the daughter of the late President, Carbon Aquinas, who is also known as the â€Å"Massacre Queen†. Having gifted with good looks he easily gain entrance in the Manila High Society and having the chance to be interviewed Kuris herself but there he realized he doesn’t belong there, he doesn’t along in the Philippines. Being home sick and all he tried reaching out to his sibling by sending post cards back to Hawaii and there he reconcile with his past – his childhood back in San Vaccine with his Loll, the one person whom he really had emotional connection to. In the end, he eventually goes back to San Vaccine to his hometown after his maid Burnett quite some time been telling him to go back. He eventually came home when he gave in to barbiturate’s advice. He was mad at Loll AY for sending him to Honolulu, Hawaii but to his surprise he found out that all those ears he spent in Hawaii Loll AY was sick. All those years he thought Loll AY was healthy and strong. All his questions were answered upon returning home and he asked forgiveness to Loll AY. Ill. Analysis Literature is an art form in a way that it invokes within each of us a different perceptions that is unique to an individual. Every individual has his own point of view, a window in which we view the world. Therefore, the way we see literature is the same as viewing the same star, however, from different parts of the world. Same star, but a different angle. Art for me is a mouth of a hundred people speaking loudly and differently in sync, because we see art as it is physically but the way we think of it is never the same. We give them all different meaning in our different points of view. I could say that this story is easy to read so I could gladly recommend this to peers. The story is peace and the actions are always interesting. Even I didn’t take more than five or six sittings to read it entirety. The book is narrative and is a prose which made it easier to understand than poetry which has deep words and having implied meanings which made it harder to find its real meaning. As we could see on the cover of the book, is a Jeep. It’s not real, it is a wooden engraved Jeep which is usually found in a Philippine gift shops since a Jeep has a big role played in every Filipinos lives. They use this as a mode of transportation but they still have to deal with the traffic. Just this semester I have experienced a sensation of extreme laughter with facts stated in the story, problems of the 3rd world countries. He was able to put witty Jokes within serious situations within our country today. Example: he rotating brown outs and him (Vince) having to resort to alternative ways to get more water for rinsing of; the melted ice and the left over mineral water in the pitcher he found in the refrigerator. Though people in the Philippines have to pump waters in a big bin to prepare themselves for the brownout and water rotation. Or having to ride the Jeep for commuters. We all know that many Filipinos are now migrating to 1st world countries seeking a better future, but! There would always be this feeling of home sickness. Missing those thing grew up with, being far away from your comfort zone. It’s not a great feeling. I remember in the story where it’s stated that â€Å"you’re not a Filipino if you haven’t ridden a Jeep before†. This part of the story is another trivia given in the novel. Another fact is that no Jeep is the same as the other. They may be alike in terms of brand, having the same entrance but its decoration differs. This shows the creativity of the pinots. A Jeep was left by the Americans after the world war II and the Filipinos bought them from the Americans, looking dull, the Filipinos thought of decoration it. Up until now this is still practiced Hough in my opinion the Jeep is the least effective mode of transportation, stopping in every possible passengers, having a far rotation and is mainly the cause of traffic because of stopping Just anywhere anytime. Even the thought of Papas City Mall, Harrison plaza, Quip church where Vince and Kuris the massacre queen met gives a lot of memories back. In the things I have shared in my last paragraph I have shown a little about the book. The book describes the contemporary Philippine life which brings up memories and associations of the life lived by our parents not so Eng ago. This book for me is highly relatable because the way I see it majority of professionals, even non-professionals, leave the country seeking a better life. Upon reading this book it could bring back a lot of long forgotten memories of the foreigners once called Filipinos. It is an unfortunate event in the country that almost at least one member in the family leaves for abroad leaving them home sick and depressed. Those who seek being found in a world which you feel you do not belong to this book is the best to, those so called Offs are best audience for this novel. The book Lech is a good book since the author actually wrote it through firsthand experience. Since he left the Philippines he felt homesick and wrote a book about what he could remember about motherland. It shows that you should appreciate what you have now until it’s all gone. When he was able to step on motherland steps he wasn’t getting any of what he is expecting yet he still is feeling happy having to reconnect to his past and remembering the moments he had with his 1010, even those he has with his siblings back when they were still a child. The main point of this story s that even if you’ve been far from home for a long long period of time there would always be a little of yourself left in that place that you’d long to meet again and someday you’d dream of seeing that place you once knew and loved. Just like everyone says â€Å"there’s no place like home†and even though he’s attained a lot in his recent location going home is still worth more than anything in the world, knowing that in San Vaccine is once his and his grandfather’s domain he would always wonder back to the feelings he had way back with his LOLL. Everyone knew he had this facial connection with his grandfather a love so strong that they bond by reading books. Even in silence they feel their special connections that they have because his grandfather is all his got after being left by his parents when they went to Hawaii. Another fun fact about it is the tourist tips. It really is a good books for balalaika’s who is like Vince who is unable to come back home in a very long time. These tips actually are really useful if you’re a foreigner or a balalaikas to give you a heads up if you’re clueless of what you might deal with upon returning to the Philippines. It’s really interesting how he really expressed those fun facts about the Philippines as well as the people in the place. Many parts of the book shows Vince having flashbacks. Since he was unable to come home in thirteen years he had a lot of recollecting to do. Simply manila gave him a lot of reminiscing but of course it was always in his home town where all his memories are stored. The book is still applicable in modern times. Those past experiences shared in the book is still relevant in the lives of many people traversing our 7, 107 islands today. Socialites, lovelier, separation from implies, poverty, government, immigration of professionals still at large. Reading a book where you can relate to is one thing about a book. Reading something and in the middle you’ll be saying â€Å"ay lam OK yang! †â€Å"antipodean OK yang! ‘ â€Å"ay tama nag! Gangway nag Yuan! †is a great feeling because you get to know the inner you. You as a citizen of this fair country. One of the main problem is sexuality, the acceptance of the 3rd gender. Another thing is he showed how gays are, for me they are still of the same gender, male/female, who are misunderstood. Is it because they act as the opposite of what the masses think a gender should act they should see it as a wrong doing? This book makes us realize to be more open-minded about serious things happening around us. An epic end to this epic essay, Lech in Spanish is milk yet in this story it symbolizes many things like the bar where Vince wanted Dante to take him after being drunk or as an expression used when shocked or mad. Though this book means different things, in my opinion like the expression we usually use LECH being a part of our culture, like Vince whatever happens the Philippines will always be a big in his life. How to cite Leche, Papers
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Policy Implementation and Evaluation-Free-Samples for Students
Question: Discuss and reflect on one Significant Issues raised by the speaker in the Audio-Visual resource. Answer: In the video, Katherine Cape, mentioned that policy making is messyprocess. It is not easy to satisfy all the stakeholders involved in the policy making, some of them have different priorities and interests. Policy cycle is not a straight forward process as it looks in paper, if the policy is not working well then the stakeholders go back to planning phase and decide different intervention plans. Prioritizing the problem for making a policy is based on the social issues available data and the context of the problem. It is often difficult for the policy makers to analyze the many social determinants, in order to understand the urgency of the social issue so that the most crucial and urgent issues are ranked higher than any of the other social issues (Bulmer, 2015). Power of stakeholders is an important factor to influence the policy making. For example, Governments often use their powers to influence the policy process according to their agenda, or political mandate (Weimer Vining, 2017). Election promises put certain issues ahead of others by neglecting the priorities of the general community. The governmental influence on other policy research means that the government of the day often has power to alter the research into the particular social issue depending upon the promises made to citizens during and after the election campaigns, which in turn can influence those resear ches and developing appropriate policy responses. There are great numbers of challenges which affect the identification process of a crucial problem in policy making process. A very good example can be provided by the Policy for Domestic violence for Women and children in Australia. In order to identify the problem of domestic violence, it is very necessary to have sufficient data that would suggest the need of urgency of the issue. However, it has been seen that reports of domestic violence are not present in huge number as many victims do not report their cases. Often victims have been heard to say that they do not report because they have fear for the perpetrator, fear of not being believed by others or being blamed by others. Some are also seen to face confusion, shame as well as embarrassment, fear of psychologically reliving the incident. They may also have a reluctance to acknowledge the incident that may had taken place. Therefore, a social concern which has not been reported and does not contain proper facts and statistical figure often becomes a concern for the policy makers (Chappell Curtin, 2013). Although they know that this problem needs to be attended but they fail to influence the government due to absence of proper reported numbers of the cases. It has been argued by many that integrating responses and implementing initiatives across all the communities are often difficult as it involves victims who remains affected in various ways and may not want to clarify any details of personal lives. Hence often identifying the problem and representing them to political powers become difficult. Moreover although many politicians are supporting the cause but others state that more refined laws will be enough to control the orders without any policies. Hence debates are ongoing that make policy making difficult to pursue. References: Birkland, T. A. (2014).An introduction to the policy process: Theories, concepts and models of public policy making. Routledge. Bulmer, M. (2015).The Uses of Social Research (Routledge Revivals): Social Investigation in Public Policy-Making. Routledge. Chappell, L., Curtin, J. (2013). Does federalism matter? Evaluating state architecture and family and domestic violence policy in Australia and New Zealand.Publius: The Journal of Federalism,43(1), 24-43. Weimer, D. L., Vining, A. R. (2017).Policy analysis: Concepts and practice. Taylor Francis.
Saturday, November 30, 2019
My Fail Story free essay sample
I’m not the fittest person in the world. I get tired easily and I can barely run a mile without stopping.That is why when I had to climb a mountain, I was worried.But that didn’t stop me from having a positive mindset. I told myself that I could make it, and that I can do it. No matter what, I knew I couldnt give up. I started the hike bright and early with my friend and to my surprise I was doing great. However, after 3 miles of hiking I ran into a problem. I was standing by the 3 mile marker as I looked around to see where the trail was. I didn’t see it. My friend didn’t know where the trail was either. However, she eventually found it. The trail that she found was steeper than the one we had already hiked. I didn’t think much of it at the time because back at base camp, they told us that the trail will eventually get steeper. We will write a custom essay sample on My Fail Story or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Little did we know at the time that we were going off the trail completely. We started going up the mountain at a 55-65 degree angle. Now normally that wouldn’t be too bad, but considering that we were at 12,000 feet of altitude, it got hard to breathe really quickly. We eventually got to 12,500 feet and that is when we found the trail again. By going up so fast and not pacing myself, I couldn’t breathe so well. It got especially dreadful when I got to 13,500 feet of altitude. I couldn’t walk without stopping every 5 steps to breathe. I made it to 14,000 feet of altitude, when 2 people walked by. The first person said that I had about 20 minutes before I would get to the top. The only thing that really concerned me was not knowing what she meant by 20 minutes because her 20 minutes of hiking is equivalent to 60 minutes of me hiking. The second person told me something I didn’t expect- I wasn’t going to make it to the top. She said that it was alrea dy 1 pm and the bus was picking us up at 6pm. To get to the bus we still had 12 miles and 6,000 feet of altitude to go. That’s when it hit me that I had only done ? of that days hike. At that moment I told myself to remember and never forget how I felt physically. How I would stop every 5 steps just to breathe and how I was a little delusional from the altitude. I knew that if I were to ever forget, I would be disappointed in myself even though I had done my best. I made it up to 14,000 feet. Which is already more than most people have ever done in their lifetime. So yes, I did fail at hiking a mountain to the very top. But was I disappointed? In the beginning, yes, I was, but the more I thought about it, the more I had realized that I had done something amazing that day. I challenged myself into doing something I would never believe I would do. That day I learned my physical and mental limits and that is more important to me than making it to the top.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Free Essays on Family Assessment Assignment
Family Assessment Assignment The purpose of this paper is to present a family assessment. Community health nurses work with individual families and with families as an aggregate within the population (Clark, 2003). Several areas will be presented such as biophysical, psychological, physical environmental, sociocultural, behavioral and health system considerations. The data obtained during family health assessment enable the nurse to make informed decisions about the health care needs of families (Clark). Biophysical Considerations On the maternal side, this family has one living eighty five year old male and one living seventy seven year old female. Two of the paternal members are deceased at the age of forty and eighty-eight. There is one living fifty-three year old male and one living forty-eight year old female. This couple has three children, two males, age twenty and fifteen, and a female age eighteen. All of the above family members have accomplished age-appropriate developmental tasks. The younger male has a learning disability which does cause some excess stress in the family. This is an example of an extended family and also the dual-earner family. This family consists of two working parents with children and also includes a kin network which provides mutual support for the family (Clark, 2003). The younger family members are currently healthy and are not being treated for any health conditions. The eighty-five year old male is currently undergoing treatment for colon-rectal cancer. This treatment consists of weekly visits to a doctor’s office for chemotherapy. There is a family history of genetic pre-disposition to cancer as his mother had this illness also. Psychological Considerations The typical mode of communication in the family is verbal. The family uses the switchboard pattern, in which all members have reciprocal communication. A successful pattern of communication is the â€Å"switchboard†... Free Essays on Family Assessment Assignment Free Essays on Family Assessment Assignment Family Assessment Assignment The purpose of this paper is to present a family assessment. Community health nurses work with individual families and with families as an aggregate within the population (Clark, 2003). Several areas will be presented such as biophysical, psychological, physical environmental, sociocultural, behavioral and health system considerations. The data obtained during family health assessment enable the nurse to make informed decisions about the health care needs of families (Clark). Biophysical Considerations On the maternal side, this family has one living eighty five year old male and one living seventy seven year old female. Two of the paternal members are deceased at the age of forty and eighty-eight. There is one living fifty-three year old male and one living forty-eight year old female. This couple has three children, two males, age twenty and fifteen, and a female age eighteen. All of the above family members have accomplished age-appropriate developmental tasks. The younger male has a learning disability which does cause some excess stress in the family. This is an example of an extended family and also the dual-earner family. This family consists of two working parents with children and also includes a kin network which provides mutual support for the family (Clark, 2003). The younger family members are currently healthy and are not being treated for any health conditions. The eighty-five year old male is currently undergoing treatment for colon-rectal cancer. This treatment consists of weekly visits to a doctor’s office for chemotherapy. There is a family history of genetic pre-disposition to cancer as his mother had this illness also. Psychological Considerations The typical mode of communication in the family is verbal. The family uses the switchboard pattern, in which all members have reciprocal communication. A successful pattern of communication is the â€Å"switchboard†...
Friday, November 22, 2019
How to Separate Salt and Sand †3 Methods
How to Separate Salt and Sand - 3 Methods One practical application of chemistry is that it can be used to help separate one substance from another. The reasons materials may be separated from each other is because there is some difference between them, such as size (separating rocks from sand), state of matter (separating water from ice), solubility, electrical charge, or melting point. Separating Sand and Salt Students are often asked to separate salt and sand to learn about mixtures and to explore the differences between forms of matter that can be used to separate mixture components.Three methods used to separate salt and sand are physical separation (picking out pieces or using density to shake sand to the top), dissolving the salt in water, or melting the salt.Probably the easiest method to separate the two substances is to dissolve salt in water, pour the liquid away from the sand, and then evaporate the water to recover the salt. Physical Separation of Salt and Sand Since both salt and sand are solids, you could get a magnifying glass and tweezers and eventually pick out particles of salt and sand. Another physical separation method is based on the different densities of salt and sand. The density of salt is 2.16 g/cm ³ while the density of sand is 2.65 g/cm ³. In other words, sand is slightly heavier than salt. If you shake a pan of salt and sand, the sand will eventually rise to the top. A similar method is used to pan for gold, since gold has a higher density than most other substances and sinks in a mixture. Separating Salt and Sand Using Solubility One method of separating salt and sand is based on solubility. If a substance is soluble it means it dissolves in a solvent. Salt (sodium chloride or NaCl) is an ionic compound that is soluble in water. Sand (mostly silicon dioxide) is not. Pour the salt and sand mixture into a pan.Add water. You dont need to add a lot of water. Solubility is a property that is affected by temperature, so more salt dissolves in hot water than cold water. Its okay if the salt doesnt dissolve at this point.Heat the water until the salt dissolves. If you get to where the water is boiling and there is still solid salt, you can add a bit more water.Remove the pan from heat and allow it to cool until its safe to handle.Pour the salt water into a separate container.Now collect the sand.Pour the salt water back into the empty pan.Heat the salt water until the water boils. Continue boiling it until the water is gone and youre left with the salt. Another way you could have separate the saltwater and sand would be to stir up the sand/saltwater and pour it through a coffee filter to capture the sand. Separating Mixture Components Using Melting Point Another method to separate components of a mixture is based on melting point. The melting point of salt is 1474 °F (801 °C), while that of sand is 3110 °F (1710 °C). Salt becomes molten at a lower temperature than sand. To separate the components, a mixture of salt and sand is heated above 801 °C, yet below 1710 °C. The molten salt may be poured off, leaving the sand. Usually this in not the most practical method of separation because both temperatures are very high. While the collected salt would be pure, some liquid salt would contaminate the sand, like trying to separate sand from water by pouring off water. Notes and Questions Note, you could have simply let the water evaporate from the pan until you were left with the salt. If you had chosen to evaporate the water, one way you could have sped up the process would have been to pour the saltwater into a large, shallow container. The increased surface area would have exchanged the rate at which water vapor could have entered air. The salt did not boil away with the water. This is because the boiling point of salt is much higher than that of water. The difference between boiling points can be used to purify water via distillation. In distillation, the water is boiled, but is then cooled so it will condense from vapor back into water and can be collected. Boiling water separates it from salt and other compounds, like sugar, but it has to be carefully controlled to separate it from chemicals that have lower or similar boiling points. While this technique can be used to separate salt and water or sugar and water, it would not separate the salt and sugar from a mixture of salt, sugar, and water. Can you think of a way to separate sugar and salt? Ready for something more challenging? Try purifying salt from rock salt.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
XTRA Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words
XTRA - Case Study Example The company owners are anticipating the launch of e-business as a probable solution to regain their lost business and sales. The e-business is a manifestation of the turnaround strategy that is planned by the business owners. The new platform will lend a global existence and wider consumer base reach for increasing sales. The e-business will support XTRA to restore the company’s business and the market share. The launch of e-business is expected to generate more business for XTRA by offering a reengineering strategy. Also the data collected by the information systems can be used to serve the customers personally. The staff members at are apprehensive of the new technology and fear the change in roles and responsibilities that will be accompanied with the new approach. Also, since the staff has not been using the computer systems extensively at work, they are not very well acquainted with the information systems and how to use it for the business processes. So the decision is a strategic one and the various critical factors and their impact must be evaluated. The basic problem that can be identified for the current situation at XTRA is its limited consumer base and narrow exposure. Also, company serves product line that caters to a narrow consumer segment with fans of Hollywood actors who are interested to buy a memoir of the favorite movie or actor. XTRA has been operating through a centralized outlet at the city centre. The declining sales can be contributed to the limited market exposure and constrained reach in the world of global and transnational businesses. The past success describes that local demand for the related goods has been well satisfied and saturated. The unique range of products needs to reach a newer customer base which cannot be provided by local market. E-business will help XTRA to reach global customers and to
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
The Challenges of Managing Generation Y in the workforce Thesis
The Challenges of Managing Generation Y in the workforce - Thesis Example In this regard, business experts are endeavoring nowadays to identify factors that are causing problems in the workplace and are putting efforts to propose solutions and alternatives that may reduce the gap between the two generations, and allow the management to achieve their organizational objectives. Due to such reasons, some of the major problems in this respect of attracting and recruiting Generation Y talent that is fast-paced and technologically efficient. In addition, due to conflicting workplace practices (Tulgan, 2009), a number of organizations are confronting problems in retaining and engaging Generation Y successfully due to lack of communication between the two generations. In the result, recruitment, engagement, and retaining of Generation Y have now become some of the major issues of the current decade that are revolving around the factors, such as generational boundaries, technology, cultural shifts, etc.
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Project Recommendation Email Essay Example for Free
Project Recommendation Email Essay We have three project proposals to consider in next week’s Project Management Office’s (PMO) Review. Piper Industries Corp. needs the projects to be complete and to be generating review within 12 months of next week’s PMO Review. Wendell Deirelein, our vice-president, has assigned your team to analyze the three projects below and make a recommendation on which project the company should invest in. The recommendation must include your team description of the five phases of the project and the key deliverables (project completion date and cost) for each project. Project Code Name: Juniper †¢This is an enhancement of a current widget being offered by our company. †¢Risk of completion of this project on time is low. †¢Product plan shows the critical path to be 6 months at a cost of $325,000 to bring the product to market. †¢Product is forecasted to have a ROI of $250,000 for a period of 2 to 3 years. †¢The third year is forecasted to be the end of life for this product line due to advances projected in technology. †¢This is a standard product line that marketing believes many customers will want to purchase. Project Code Name: Palomino †¢This is a new line of widget products including enhancements using existing technology. †¢Risk for completion of this project on time is medium. †¢Production plan shows the critical path to be 9 months at a cost of $655,000 to bring the product to market. †¢Product is forecasted to have a ROI of $450,000 for a period of 5 years. †¢This product will be a custom part for one of your strategic customersâ€â€historically the forecasts from this customer have a 5% margin of error. †¢The seventh year is forecasted to be the end of life for this product by the customer. Project Code Name: Stargazer †¢Research and development has already started on our new widgets. The company has spent $450,000 on this product so far and the estimate to bring this product to market is $575,000. †¢Risk of completing this project on time is high. †¢Product is forecasted to have ROI of $300,000 first year; $550,000 the second year; and $750,000 the third year. †¢The product life is forecasted to be 7 years for this product. (This forecast included derivative product which will cost more). †¢By delivering such an innovative product to the market place first, your organization will be seen as a leader in this industry. †¢Your sales and marketing teams have discussed this type of product with a few of your strategic customers; while some are interested, there are many questions about the business. Sincerely, Ray Gritsch Piper Industries Corporation
Thursday, November 14, 2019
The Most Imporanf The Tsars Fall From Power. :: essays research papers
Although some of the causes of the Tsar's fall from power seem more important than others, it is hard to choose a most important cause because each cause links into another, which leads into another. However I have come up with two causes which I think were the most important in the downfall of the Tsar. One was a long-term cause, the foundations of all the other causes, without which the country would not have been in such a bad state. The second one is a short-term cause, which tipped the balance into the Revolution and subsequently the Tsar's fall from power. The long-term cause is, Rominov mis-rule, and the short-term trigger is the 1st World War. The mis-rule of Russia by the Rominov's had been going on for many, many years, coming to a head with the Russian Revolution of 1917. The Rominovs especially Nicholas 2nd believed that they were appointed by G-d to rule the country, and that whatever they thought, must be right. This led them to rule the country for their own interests and for the interests of the rich and important, not for the interests of most of the population, the peasants. The Tsar didn't listen to the peasants or most of his ministers, appointing and firing them at will. The Tsar, by not listening to his people or caring about their needs, helped Russia to stay very economically backwards when compared to the rest of the world. This helps to link into the cause of social and economic hardships, another important cause. Many people believe that the influence of Rasputin was the reason that the Tsar fell from power, but I don't agree. Rasputin was an important factor in the lead upto the revolution and consequently the downfall of the Tsar. He was a rough, smelly peasant, who indulged in lots of sexual acts. The peasants resented him because he seemed to represent what was wrong with Russia. He was uncouth, showing the poor economic state of Russia and the poorness of the majority of its population. He was wild, showing the way that the Cossacks kept order and he was suspected of having an unfair with the Tsarina, degrading the royal family. However it was not Rasputin alone as some people think, that was the problems. It was the way that the media and Opposition groups portrayed him. However these still lead back to my original cause, Rominov mis-rule.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Reflection Zamboanga Seige
Zamboanga Seige and Me As I was scanning my Facebook newsfeed, a post form my sister struck me and in that post she was asking if it is true that the members of the MNLF group were able to enter our city. I can still remember the feeling I felt that dawn, the feeling that I don't know where to put myself because my mom, dad, siblings, niece, nephew and relatives are staying at Tugbungan – an adjacent barangay to Barangay Mariki using speedboat. Aside from that I am trembling because of the fear inside and out of my system.That was Just the start of the 20 days and counting sleepless nights I and my family experience. On the succeeding days, it was more horrifying and heart- stopping. As I hear the gunshots and explosions my heart Jumps and stops to beat for a second. l, as a Zamboangena living in this city for 21 years, am not used to hear and experience such things. From that on, my past 20 days was never normal. I am always alert and am living my life now in fear that one da y I might wake up losing someone close to my heart or the barangay where I am staying might also be ttacked.My normal routine like doing my thesis, going to school and having quality time with friends and family was cut off. With the attack of the MNLF everything for me was shut down – from the progress of my thesis to the point our business was force to be close due to the shutting down of the Zamboanga Port. Everything for me was a mess but despite the frustration, I extended help by disseminating verified information through Facebook. As a mass communicator, I should make out something despite the crisis we are facing.Since I cannot submit myself to evacuation centers to personally help due to security purpose, what I did was spread helpful information in Facebook and through text messaging. My Facebook feed became a home for information and I set aside the narcissist inside me which I believe that an Atenean should do in times like this. Although I am sad that still some of us are insensitive of what's happening around especially in the city. There are still a number of Ateneans that post non-sense stuff and their selfie despite the alarming nd heart breaking event we are facing.Now as all of this continues which is I don't know any more who to believe and who is telling the truth, my life or should I say all of our lives is somehow destroyed especially to the most affected. All I can do now is hope and pray that this crisis will be over and may Allah bless and guide the decisions of our leaders and lastly guard their decisions that it will always be for the greater good. Reflection Zamboanga Seige By Sheena Rose-Andas
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Final Paper African Americans Essay
Through out history there has been a struggle for African Americans to be accepted in our society. An African American endures many more disadvantages than most white people. The media and other sources have made blacks to look the same and has portrayed them in a certain light that may not be fitting to all blacks. There are many misconceptions that people have of blacks. Many people and organizations have had a part in bringing equality and fighting for equal rights for black people. African Americans have been at a huge disadvantage in America from the beginning. Unlike many other minority groups in America, African Americans in many cases were brought here by force and not by there own will. (000000) The first African Americans came to America in the seventeenth century and were immediately forced to work for Whites. After much turmoil and even a civil war Blacks were finally given there freedom with the Emancipation proclamation signed and ratified in 1863. Even after the proclamation some blacks were still enslaved and freed blacks had little to no opportunity. The struggle continued into the next century as blacks finally received the right to vote with the ratification in of the 15th amendment. The 20th century contained a world filled by a segregated America between whites and blacks through jim crow laws that existed that restricted blacks from interacting with whites. With a history like that it is no wonder that African Americans still have disadvantages in our modern day. America today is known as the country of opportunity. Although there are many opportunities out there it seems that there are more opportunities for some groups more than others. Many companies and corporations still use race as a indicator for hiring employees. In one study done by the National Bureau of Economic Research, people with common black names were less likely to be called back for an interview based on there application alone then black people with common white sounding names. Job applicants with white sounding names needed to send out ten applications to get one call back while applications with common black names needed to send out about fifteen to get one reply. (Francis, www. nber. org/digest.com). The research was done withe resumes of the same qualifications. It is easy to see that Black people are constantly bombarded by inequality in the work force. If there were inequalities just based on names of applicants just imagine the inequality when employers actually see the race of the applicants. Black Americans have been stereotyped for years and continue to be today. The media is one great source of portraying African Americans in certain roles. African Americans are portrayed as criminals, drug dealers and sex offenders in many instances. Many Africans are outraged at how they are portrayed in the media. Protest groups such as the Young African Americans Against Media Stereotypes have done what they can to show there stance on stereotypical media portrayal. â€Å"Majority of the time you see a young African-American male in the media he is singing, rapping, scoring a touchdown, dunking a basketball or committing a crime†( http://www. yaaams. com/) Many stereotypes about black people are incredibly false. Many people still think that black people are only good at certain things like music and sports. This is a very false belief and black people have contributed heavily to all different sorts of fields. Many vital inventions that we use on an everyday bases were invented by black people. The dust mop, pencil sharpener, typewriter, and elevator were all invented by black people. (http://www. black-network. com) Our society would not be what it is if it were not for Garret Morgan, the young Black man who invented the traffic light. http://www. infoplease. com/spot/bhmcensus1. html.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Crescents - North American Chipped Stone Tool Type
Crescents - North American Chipped Stone Tool Type Crescents (sometimes called lunates) are moon-shaped chipped stone objects which are found fairly rarely on Terminal Pleistocene and Early Holocene (roughly equivalent to Preclovis and Paleoindian) sites in the Western United States. Typically, crescents are chipped from cryptocrystalline quartz (including chalcedony, agate, chert, flint and jasper), although there are examples from obsidian, basalt and schist. They are symmetrical and carefully pressure flaked on both sides; typically the wing tips are pointed and the edges are ground smooth. Others, called eccentrics, maintain the overall lunate shape and careful manufacture, but have added decorative frills. Identifying Crescents Crescents were first described in a 1966 article in American Antiquity by Lewis Tadlock, who defined them as artifacts recovered from Early Archaic (what Tadlock called Proto-Archaic) through Paleoindian sites in the Great Basin, the Columbia Plateau and the Channel Islands of California. For his study, Tadlock measured 121 crescents from 26 sites in California, Nevada, Utah, Idaho, Oregon, and Washington. He explicitly associated crescents with big game hunting and gathering lifestyles between 7,000 and 9,000 years ago, and perhaps earlier. He pointed out that the flaking technique and raw material choice of crescents are most similar to Folsom, Clovis and possibly Scottsbluff projectile points. Tadlock listed the earliest crescents as having been used within the Great Basin, he believed they spread out from there. Tadlock was the first to begin a typology of crescents, although the categories have been much extended since then, and today include eccentric forms. More recent studies have increased the date of crescents, placing them firmly within Paleoindian period. Apart from that, Tadlocks careful consideration of the size, shape, style and context of crescents has held up after more than forty years. What are Crescents for? No consensus has been reached among scholars for the purpose of crescents. Suggested functions for crescents include their use as butchering tools, amulets, portable art, surgical instruments, and transverse points for hunting birds. Erlandson and Braje have argued that the most likely interpretation is as transverse projectile points, with the curved edge hafted to point frontwards. In 2013, Moss and Erlandson pointed out that lunates are frequently found in wetland environments, and use that as support for lunates as having been used with waterfowl procurement, in particular. large anatids such as tundra swan, greater white-fronted goose, snow goose and Rosss goose. They speculate that the reason lunates stopped being used in the Great Basin after about 8,000 years ago has to do with the fact that climate change forced the birds out of the region. Crescents have been recovered from many sites, including Danger Cave (Utah), Paisley Cave #1 (Oregon), Karlo, Owens Lake, Panamint Lake (California), Lind Coulee (Washington), Dean, Fenn Cache (Idaho), Daisy Cave, Cardwell Bluffs, San Nicolas (Channel Islands). Sources This glossary entry is a part of the About.com guide to Stone Tools, and the Dictionary of Archaeology. Beck C, and Jones GT. 2010. Clovis and Western Stemmed: Population Migration and the Meeting of Two Technologies in the Intermountain West. American Antiquity 75:81-90.Davis TW, Erlandson JM, Fenenga GL, and Hamm K. 2010. Chipped stone crescents and the antiquity of maritime settlement on San Nicolas Island, Alta California. California Archaeology 2(2):185-202.Erlandson JM, and Braje TJ. 2008. Five crescents from Cardwell: Context and chronology of chipped stone crescents at CA-SMI-679, San Miguel Island, California. Pacific Coast Archaeological Society Quarterly 40:35-45.Erlandson JM, and Jew N. 2009. An Early Maritime Biface Technology at Daisy Cave, San Miguel Island, California: Reflections on Sample Size, Site Function, and Other Issues. North American Archaeologist 30(2):145-165.Erlandson JM, Rick TC, Braje TJ, Casperson M, Culleton B, Fulfrost B, Garcia T, Guthrie DA, Jew N, Kennett DJ et al. 2011. Paleoindian Seafaring, Maritime Technologies, and Coastal Foraging on Californi a’s Channel Islands. Science 331(4):1181-1185. Moss ML, and Erlandson JM. 2013. Waterfowl and Lunate Crescents in Western North America: The Archaeology of the Pacific Flyway. Journal of World Prehistory 26(3):173-211. doi: 10.1007/s10963-013-9066-5Tadlock WL. 1966. Certain Crescentic Stone Objects as a Time Marker in the Western United States. American Antiquity 31(5):662-675.Walker DN, Bies MT, Surovell TA, and Frison GC. 2010. Paleoindian Portable Art from Wyoming, USA. IFRAO Pleistocene Art of the World. Arià ¨ge - Pyrà ©nà ©es, France. p 1-15.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Write an Argumentative Outline with Ease!
Write an Argumentative Outline with Ease! Want to Know How to Write an Outline for an Argumentative Essay? An argumentative essay is quite a common task, which is assigned at both high school and college. It aims to show the tutor how students are able to study the topic, gather information, process it and provide strong evidence on a given subject. This task requires lots of energy and time, so we have decided to collect information on the key elements and features, which your argumentative paper outline should possess. During the working process, you need to study all the arguments and choose the side you are on. This may require lots of sleepless nights, as the volume of information may be very impressive. However, it doesn’t mean that a first-class argumentative essay is a huge challenge. We offer you an article, which will answer all of your questions and you will be able to create an outline that will reflect all of your ideas in a clear and brief manner. Proper structure Any time you need to start something new, you feel nervous and think that the task is too complicated. Let us assure you that after reading this guide you will find the whole process quite simple and won’t need to stress out. Your outline should consist of equally important sections, which aim to show the tutor what you stand on. These sections include: Introduction; Working on arguments; Discrowning opponent’s arguments; Conclusions. Let us take a closer look at every section. Just make yourself comfortable and continue reading! Introduction You probably know a popular saying that you won’t get a second chance to make a first impression. It greatly reflects the whole deal with the introductory section, as it can easily catch the reader’s interest or make him want to drop your essay at once. As any other paper, an argumentative introduction should consist of the hook, basic information and a thesis statement. The hook is the first sentence you read and it has a huge impact on the number of audience you will have. You will probably agree that you will likely stop reading an article or a book if the beginning is boring or uninteresting. The same applies to your essay and you need to make your hook as catchy, as possible. Here are the things you may use as a hook: Quotes of famous people or characters; Anecdotes if your topic is entertaining and doesn’t require an academic tone; A question, which will intrigue the reader; A misconception; A fact or statistics, which will surprise the audience. After the hook, you should proceed with the basic information on the subject. To make the whole process much simpler, you should try to answer the following questions: Who may consider this topic important? What matter are you going to talk about? Why you think the topic is important? You need to finish your introduction with a thesis statement, which should be not more than two sentences long. It should give the reader a chance to understand what your essay is about. It should be performed in a form of a statement about the general idea of the whole paper. Don’t forget to include your personal opinion on the subject to give the reader a chance to understand what side you are on. Remember, most of the readers pay great attention to the thesis statement, so it is crucial to make it specific, focused, clear and readable, and correspond with the main goals of your argumentative essay. Don’t forget that your thesis is not a title and shouldn’t become an absolute statement. It is the quintessence, the general idea of your work and can become your biggest strength if prepared thoughtfully. Working on the arguments Now, when your introductory section is ready, it is necessary to work on the arguments. The second section of your essay should consist evidence, which will support all of your arguments on a given topic. You should start every paragraph with the claim. It is the central part of your essay and has a great effect on the flow of your whole work. Your claims should be catchy, strong and interesting, as they form your arguments and give the reader an idea of what principles you stand for. The main goal of a claim is to determine the direction and the scope of the paper. However, it is quite simple to make such a statement: think of the subject and audience to choose a proper argument. When this part is ready, go on to providing the evidence. Every claim of your essay should be backed by evidence. This means that the reader should see that your argument is credible, valid and trustworthy. You need to process huge volumes of information to find facts, statistics, researches and so on. Once your outline is ready, you will get an idea of what claims to include to your text and you can start working on finding a proper evidence. Search for academic papers online, at libraries or ask your tutor for some materials. Remember, a claim, which is not backed with evidence, is pointless. You need to prove your point of view and give the audience a chance to see that you have completed a thorough research. They need to be sure that your arguments are strong and valid to believe you. Discrowning opponent’s arguments One of the biggest mistakes any student makes, while completing an argumentative essay is that he works only on his arguments and a proper evidence. He just supports one claim after another, trying to persuade the reader to support his point of view. However, such attitude is far from a proper one, as an argumentative essay is all about giving the audience a chance to see not only your position on the matter but also to get familiar with the opposite thoughts. That is why in the third section you need to prove arguments of your opponents and try to debunk them. It is quite a simple task, as you will have access to multiple sources, both offline and online. Try to get reliable information or find out weak places in opposite arguments to uncrown them. The structure of this section is quite similar to the previous one. Your paragraphs should start with a claim or an argument followed by your evidence why the statement is incorrect. Using such techniques, you will prove the reader that your point of view is correct. While giving the reader a chance to get familiar with both sides, you help yourself to prove you are right and earn respect and trust of the audience. In addition, you will look noble because of including other opinions to your argumentative essay. Don’t forget that this section should also be backed with trustworthy sources, proper references and credible statistics. Conclusions Once your introduction and evidence sections are ready, you can take a deep breath and have a break. Pour yourself some coffee, go for a walk and relax. Once you have a proper rest, proceed with working on the final section. It is a well-known fact that your conclusions play a crucial part in the final impression from the work. However, most of the students still neglect this section, thinking that no one ever reads it. If you want to make your conclusions flawless, you need to remember that they should consist of three parts: Restatement of your arguments; A short summary of the whole work and the thesis statement; A statement of the benefits and of a positive impact of the arguments on the society. Here you can also make a sort of a warning what may happen if the reader doesn’t support your ideas. To make the paper look organic, try to make your conclusions the same size, as the introductory section. Never use the same phrases, as the reader may think that your paper is repetitive. Tips to remember Now, when you know how an argumentative essay is created and how its outline looks like, you can be sure to perform the task in the best possible way. However, there is always a cherry on the top and here is a list of advice, which you may use throughout the way: You need to understand the topic clearly before starting your work on an outline; Always consult your plan to make sure you include every important idea to your text; Provide only credible information, which is backed with statistics. Never make up facts, as they may be checked on a plagiarism software and you will have serious troubles; Use simple language and short sentences; Edit and proofread your paper a multiple times before you eliminate all the mistakes. As you see, an argumentative essay is not a task to be afraid of. It is just a way to provide evidence on a topic, backed with trustworthy information. To make sure you obtain high grades, simply use the outline, which was discussed in our article.
Saturday, November 2, 2019
A Clean, Well-Lighted Place by Ernest Hemingway Essay
A Clean, Well-Lighted Place by Ernest Hemingway - Essay Example Also witnessed in other works by the author, are the themes of social exclusion, death, loneliness, and modernity which demonstrate the relevance of the narrative in dealing with social issues. In A Clean, Well-Lighted Place, Ernest Hemingway focuses on several social issues that affect society, old people especially. Social Issue and Its Impact on the Narrative Old age is associated with a stage in life when individuals settle down and have a peaceful life away from complicated activities since their energy is dwindled. Spending time with the family, particularly the extended family and resting constitute the main depiction of individuals in their later stage of life. Pensioners enjoy the savings they made during their young ages as opposed to active participation in work. However, A Clean, Well-Lighted Place generates a different picture of a suffering old man lost in desperation, loneliness, and isolation. Despite having enough money and resources to sustain his life, the main cha racter old man struggles to fit in a society that cannot deliver the social life he deserves. Social exclusion of the old people is a social vice that destroys the dream of a peaceful rest for the old generation. The events in world political history left a huge scar to the human society since war and aggression create animosity resulting in death and desolation. A cold society depicted by the setting of the story after a time of war shows the coincidence it has with social insensitivity. To illustrate this, the author uses the presence of a soldier and a guard in the story for the obvious reasons of some force needed to quell certain disorderliness. In addition, the waiter’s treatment to the deaf old man shows insensitivity as speaking to the old man aware of his disability is quite an insult. Causation In terms of fictitious application of the plot, the author selects the events of causation that resonate well with the social issue of neglect, isolation, and desolation of t he old in the society. In illustrating the nature of the main characters, particularly the old man, it is clear of how the desolation and isolation manifest in the story development (Lombardi para. 2). It is perhaps due to the depiction of the difference in the condition of the commotion in daytime and late night silence that the author generates the gentle character of the old man, who chooses the late night for his drink. In contrast, the author paints the young waiter as a violent and insensitive character by opting to retire when the commotion in noisy and dusty street subside. â€Å"‘You should have killed yourself last week,’ he said to the deaf man,†(Hemingway line 19). The older waiter’s character seems to be in the middle of the two extremes in that his lenience for the old man’s choice of drinking time does not convince him to take over. He understands the social impact of old age and the risks of desolation and he is aware of the realiti es that await him in his later days not too far, unlike his younger colleague. The interaction of the three characters in the narrative shows the disconnect that affects the young and the old within the theme of responsibilities of a socially cohesive society. The young cannot understand the challenges of the old such as why they could opt to pick the late hours for drinking crowned with sheer lack of sensitivity. We also learn about the family setting for the old man, with only one niece making up the family that takes care of him. Lack of other family members raises questions on how practical his resting days are, shedding more light on why he is in virtual inexistence in terms of social life
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Classroom Behavior Management Plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Classroom Behavior Management Plan - Essay Example Disruptive behavior in this context refers to defiant behavior and disregard of the rules that have been put in place (Wang, Haertel, & Walberg, 2003). Examples of the Targeted Behavior Disruptive behavior is usually a violation of the rules that have been put in place to govern the behavior of the students in the classroom. It is important that, in addition to being subject to the rules, the students participate in their creation. An example of rules assisting in managing the classroom behavior is ensuring that the students do not speak without raising their hands. The student should also ensure that all materials necessary for the lesson are brought into the classroom. This is to ensure that movement during class session is minimized. The students must also seek the teacher’s permission to leave their desks or to address the others. In the classroom, both the students and the teacher should make sure that official school language is used. The student must do as asked by the teacher without the teacher having to repeat the instructions that have been given in the class. In instances when group discussions are required, the groups will be assigned to the students by the teacher to ensure that the students stick to the discussion that is expected of them as opposed to straying from the topic as is likely to happen if the students pick the groups themselves. When the rules are established, it is important for a teacher to explain why each of the rules is important. The students will be required to own the rules; it will be easier for the students to follow the rules if they participate in making them. Rationale Disruptive behavior has a very discouraging outcome in students and school performances. Disruptive behavior that is often observed in the classroom includes aggressive behavior, when a student pushes others around and engages them in physical altercations. A student who shows aggressive behavior may also damage property in the classroom. Disruptive behavior of the student can also be of a social nature when the student tries to divert the attention of the teacher and the classmates by engaging in topics that are not relevant to what is being discussed. The disruptive student may also pass notes or whisper to others while the teacher continues with the lesson. Method of Collecting Baseline Data The classroom management plan is important, as without it, learning is likely to be disrupted and the learning goals that have been established will not be achieved. The plan is important to the achievement of the learning goals and the maintenance of order in the classroom setting. The data will be collected through classroom observation. This is because most of the disruptive behaviors that have been identified can be observed in the classroom setting. For example, it is easy to observe a student who is passing notes or trying to divert the attention of the class as well as engaging in other forms of disruptive behavior. Hypothetical Baseline Data Behavioral level 250 200 150 100 50 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 days (Marzano & Marzano, 2009) With the help of the hypothetical baseline data above, it is verifiable that the identified classroom behaviors are deteriorating with time. This calls for instant measures to counter the over increasing unbearable classroom behaviors. Behavioral Goal The core aim of the plan is to ensure transformation of the
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Unit 10 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Unit 10 - Essay Example It is also possible for women to make it to the professional level of the game thus breaking the stereotype that being a woman you can only be a spectator. Through a broader focus as well as access to quality education, these stereotypes are being broken. Thus through focusing on higher education, significant stereotypes can be done away with. Stereotypes are not mutable and therefore stereotypes applied to particular groups do not alter over time. This therefore means that we rarely change our stereotypes frequently. This is so even in the wake of disconfirming information; people often tend to cling to their obviously-wrong convictions If at all people can change their stereotypes, then they do so in 3 ways; Bookkeeping model-as people learn more contradictory information, they incrementally change the stereotype to align with the new information. Thus individuals usually need a lot of information for every incremental change. Secondly is the conversion model whereby individuals throw away old stereotypes and start all over again, frequently used when there is important disconfirming evidence. Thirdly is sub typing model which creates a stereotype that is new, mostly a sub-classification of the current stereotype (Rupert, 2010). Yes I have had an experience where someone applied a stereotype due to their interpretation of my skin color. I was on a tour in Africa and someone thought I am a Mexican and therefore asked much about Mexico. I had to kindly explain myself before they finally understood me and apologized profusely. Some of the authors discuss areas of misconception such as being mistaken for a waitress or a whore, for instance, in The Myth of the Latin Woman/Just Met a Girl Named Maria by Judith Ortiz Cofer gives several instances where she has been taken to be a waitress simply because she is Puerto Rican. She recounts another incident where a man blocked their way
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Issues of Adverse and Moral Selection
Issues of Adverse and Moral Selection MUKHTAR MUHAMMAD AHMAD DISTINGUISH BETWEEN ADVERSE AND MORAL SELECTION, AND HOW A FIRM MIGHT OVERCOME EACH PROBLEM Adverse selection can be said as the process that occurs when seller valued goods more highly than the buyer does, because the seller has the full information and understanding about the good. Due to this information known by the seller, the seller is unwilling to part with the goods for any price lower than the value the seller knowns it has. On the other hand, the buyer who has no any information about how good the product is, is unwilling to pay more than expected of the good, which take into account the possibility of getting a bad piece. It is the Asymmetry information prior to the transaction that prevent the transaction from happening. If both the seller and the buyer were not sure of the quality, they would be willing to trade based on its actual value. Moral hazard, is usually seen as services such as insurance and warranties. In this case, when the deal is done, one of the party involved in the deal (in this case, the person purchasing the insurance) may be less careful because he/she has the insurance, thus is not expected to the full cost the losses insured. Example, a person with an insurance against theft may not border about closing all what is necessary when leaving the house, here, it is not the prior information that either party has ,but due to lack of information that the insurance company has in providing and controlling the risk taking behavior that can leads to the market failure. Lets look into adverse selection in details especially in the case of insurance. Adverse selection; can also be said as the selection originally used in insurance. Its describe a situation where in an individuals demand for insurance (The propensity to insurance and quantity purchased) is possibly the individuals risk of loss (higher risk buy more insurance), and the insurer is unable to allow for this correlation in the price of insurance. This may be because of an information known only to the individuals. (Information Asymmetry), or because of regulation or social Norms which prevent the insurer from using certain categories of known information to set price (For example, gender, genetic, test or pre existing medical conditions. The last of which amount to a 100% risk of losses associated with the treatment of the condition).The letter scenario is sometimes referred to as regulatory adverse selection. The potential adverse nature of the phenomenon can be described as the link between the smoking status and mortality of those not smoking, on the average, are more likely to live longer, while smokers on average are more likely to die younger. If the insurer did not distinguish the prices for life insurance according to the smoking status, life insurance would be better buy for smokers than does not smoking. In this case, the smokers may be more willingly to buy insurance or may tent to buy larger amount of the insurance than the does not smoking, there by raising the average mortality of the combined policy holder group above that of the general population. From the insurers view point, the higher mortality of the group which select to buy insurance is adverse. The insurer raises the prices the insurance accordingly and as a consequences, does not smoking may be less likely to buy insurance (Or may buy smaller amounts) than they would buy at a lower prices reflectively to their lowe r risk. The reduction in the insurance purchases by does not smoking is also adverse from the insurers view point, and may be also from public policy view points. Furthermore, if there is a range of increasing risk categories in the population, the raise in the insurance prices because of adverse selection may leads to the lowest remaining risk to cancel or not renew their insurance. This promote a further raise in price, and so on. Eventually this adverse selection death spiral might in theory leads to the collapse of the insurance market. SOLUTION TO ADVERSE SELECTION PROBLEM Alternative solution to the effects of adverse selection to the insurers (to the extent that law permit) ask a randomely question requesting medical or other reports on individual who apply to buy insurance so that the price quoted can be varied accordingly, and any unreasonable highly or unpredictable risk rejected. This risk selection method is known underwriting in many nations, insurance law incorperate as utmost good faith doctorine. Which requires potential customers to answer any underwriting question asked by the insurer fully and honesty; if they fail to do so, the insurance may refused to pay the claim. While adverse selection in theory seems a clear and inevitable consequences of economic incentives, empirical is mixed. Several studies investigating correlations between risk and insurance purchased has fail to show the predicted possible correlation of life insurance. On the other hand, positive test result in adverse selection have been reported in health, long term care and annuity market. These possible result tent to be based on demonstrating more subtle relationship between risk and purchasing behavior (such as between mortality and whether the customer chooses a life annuity which is fixed or inflation linked), rather than simple correlations of risk and quantity purchased. MORAL HAZARD Moral Hazard is a situation in which a party is more likely risk because the cost that could be result which not be borne by the party taking the risk. In other words, it is a tendency to be more willing to take the risk, knowing that the potential borden of taking such risk will be born in whole or in potentially by others, A moral Hazard may occur where the actions of one party may changes to Sthe detriment of another after the financial transaction has taken place. Moral Hazard arises because an individual or institution does not take the full consequences and responsibility of its actions, and therefore, has a tendency to act less careful than its otherwise would leaving another party to hold some responsibility for the consequences of those action. Economists explain Moral hazard as a special case of information asymmetry, a situation in which one party has a wider information than the other in particular moral hazard may occur if the one that is been cheated from the risk has more information about the action and intention than the one paying for the negative consequences of the risk, more broadly, moral hazard occurs when the one with more knowledge about its action or intention has a tendency or incentive to behave inappropriately from the perspective of the one with less information. Moral Hazard is also arises in a principal Agents problem, where one party, called an agent acts on behave of another individual called principal. Usually have the knowledge about his action than the principal agents does due to the principal. Usually can not completely monitor the agents. The agents may have incentive to act inappropriate way. (From the view point of the principal) if the interest of the agents are the principal are not alligned. SOLUTION TO MORAL HAZARD Alternative way a firm can solve a problem of Moral hazard is the major aspect of the insurance deals with the effect of the availability of insurance on the level of care exercised by the insured to reduced the probability of loss. When an insured policy is not available like in the case of theft, an economic agent could devoted time to watch his property. At the extreemed, he could insure that the probability of losses was zero, but the cost of such strategy would likely be prohibitive. For example, the optimal action is to be expand on effect less than that require to reduce. The probability of theft to zero and hence, to bear the some risk. If we assumed the economic agents are risk averse, they would be willing to pay for transferred of risk to another Agents thereby enhancing their welfare. This transferred of risk is obtained through the purchase of an insurance policy. In conclusion, Adverse selection is the selection before the deal or transaction is done in which the person with the product or selling, valued and worth the good than the buyer in the sense, the seller has the better understanding and knowledge about the good and buyer who with less information about the good, would just purchase it based on his own assumption of the quality of the goods. and here, to counter such problem, the seller would have to emphasize more of his products and try to study the consumer behavior before getting into any transaction. while Moral hazard on the other hand, is the situation that occurs when the transaction is done that is, when the deal is done. One of the party in the transaction. here, the person taking the risk is more likely to be the one with the full information in the transaction and acted less carefully knowing that he would not bear the full losses alone thereby, affecting the one with less information about the transaction without his cons ents. To solve such problem, the insurer has to have an agreement on the facts that, the one that acted carelessly would likely be the one to bear more losses. That would make the one with more information to be more serious in the deal and avoiding any lapses that would occur after the deal is done.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Sara Lee Essay -- essays research papers
Businessman Nathan Cummings bought the C.D. Kenny Co., a Baltimore coffee, tea, and sugar wholesaler, in 1939. Cummings soon purchased several grocery firms and later changed the company’s name to Consolidated Grocersâ€â€1945. The operation went public in 1946 and was renamed Consolidated Foods Corporation in 1954. Two years later CFC bought the Kitchens of Sara Lee, a Chicago bakery founded by Charles Lubin 1951. Introduced in 1949 and named after Lubin’s daughter, Sara Lee cheesecake had become his most popular product. Soon after, CFC began building its international markets with its first European acquisition in 1962. Subsequent to that purchase, it expanded its global presence with the purchases of Douwe Egberts (coffee, tea, and tobacco; the Netherlands; 1978), Nicholas Kiwi (shoe care and pharmaceuticals, Australia, 1984), and Dim (hosiery and underwear, France, 1989). Using one of its most respected brand names to enhance the public’s awareness of the company, CFC changed its name to Sara Lee in 1985.1 While cheesecake might have brought the company fame, it’s the underwear and hot dogs that bring in more than half of Sara Lee’s sales. The company operates five separate business units in the U.S. and abroad, these include: Sara Lee Foods--a major U.S. packaged-meat processor with brands such as Ball Park and Jimmy Dean, Sara Lee Bakery Group--the number two bakery company in the U.S. (behind Interstate Bakeries) and responsible for fresh bread as well as frozen cheesecakes, The Branded Apparel groupâ€â€which tops in U.S. intimate apparel and hosiery (Hanes L’eggs, Playtex, and Wonderbra), its Coffee & Tea Worldwide groupâ€â€that creates beverage sales worldwide, while the Household & Body Care group sells Endust furniture cleaner, Kiwi shoe polish, and body care products in non-U.S. markets. Chicago-based Sara Lee Corporation is a global manufacturer and marketer of high-quality, brand-name products for consumers throughout the world. They have three lines of businesses: Food and Beverage, Branded Apparel, and Household Products. Sara Lee has operations in 58 countries, with products in nearly 200 nations and has 150,400 employees worldwide. Some may wonder how one company, with thousands of employees in numerous locations, makes sure everyone is basing his or her decisions on the corporation’s values. These are questions Sara Lee executives and em... ...Lee’s decentralized structure, for this problem. Although COO McMillan has worked to change this, by centralizing 10 separate meat companies into one, they still have remnants of these decentralized firms. This is why the corporation is currently depending on their newest addition to the firm, Brenda Barnes. Sara Lee is banking on Barnes to bring her operational and branding skills to her new position. Barnes’ resume is filled with successes at well-known consumer product companies, which include Pepsi-Cola North American division. Although Barnes will be starting from behind when she takes over Sara Lee’s day-to-day operations and segmentation strategy, the corporation remains optimistic in her attempt to get Sara Lee cooking.6           Sara Lee's mission is to feed, clothe and care for consumers and their families the world over. Keeping this in perspective is what Sara Lee will need to remain focused, and reclaim their throne as one of the most successful retailers in the industry. Though this accomplishment may not come easy, with hard work and strategic planning, Sara Lee has the ability to become number one in its class.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Overcoming the Odds
Overcoming the Odds In life there will always be obstacles that are placed before us. Some will be easy and others will be difficult. I could remember a few incidents that made me think I would not be able to overcome certain roadblocks to achieve my goals. It was the summer of 2009; we had just got back home from Antigua & Barbuda of the sixth CVC Basketball Classic tournament. My high school coach had received a letter of acceptance to Word of Life Traditional School in Wichita, Kansas awarding me a full scholarship to play basketball for their school.At that time my mother was unemployed and we were not receiving help from other family members. The only thing that was going through my mind was saying, â€Å"Yes, I’ve got a school abroad to better myself and make my mother proud. †When I was looking at my mother’s face as she read the letter; it was full of happiness and stress at the same time. The ticket to Kansas was around eight hundred to one thousand dol lars, school was opening in less than three weeks, and we did not have a dollar for my ticket or living expenses.My mother and I had asked family members, friends, and private companies. It has been three weeks and we only had received five hundred dollars. All I could do is cry realizing I can’t go. As my mom witnessed my pain and frustration, she held me and said â€Å"God knows best and everything happens on his time, not ours. He wouldn’t bring us this far to fail. †The first week of school had passed and things was still looking bleak. That Friday morning I was shooting on the basketball court trying to clear my head.This guy saw me and asked me why I was not in school I told him about my situation. The man pulled out his wallet and gave me his card and told me to stop by his office that afternoon. Later that day I went to his office and he handed me a check for one thousand dollars. He said, â€Å"always work hard and follow your dreams and you will alwa ys have support,†I got up and thanked him for giving me an opportunity to pursue my dreams, believing in me, and how I will forever be grateful for his kindness.Once I left the office, I ran all the way home with tears in my eyes and out of breath to show my mom the check. She dropped to her knees and said, â€Å"Thank you Lord I know you would make it come through for my baby. †That weekend I spent packing my bags to leave on Tuesday morning. My mother sat down with me and told me that she wasn’t going to take this journey with me, she was frighten because I was only fifteen, and I have never been anywhere out of the country without her. The thought of now having to go to a strange state where I do not know anyone.She had second thoughts about me going. I said to her it cannot be that hard to do this and I am covered in the blood of Jesus. When Tuesday came it was that time to say goodbye, my mother started crying I held her and told her it will be ok even tho ugh I was scared yet I had to embrace it also trying to hold back the tears. All in all some things might seem impossible for you; as long as you stick with it, you will be successful. Going through this has truly made me stronger person physically, mentally, and it also has helped me grow to be more mature.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Hiroshima Cause and Effect Essay
Alexa Gombert English-Kiernan 10/28/12 Period 1 On August 6, 1945, America was responsible for the death of over 100,000 innocent souls. On this day, an American aircraft dropped an atomic bomb on the city of Hiroshima, Japan. This was the first atomic bomb ever used in the history of warfare. In the non-fiction book Hiroshima by John Hersey, first hand six survivors of this horrific event describe accounts of the bombing and its effects in vivid detail.The atomic bomb affected civilians of Hiroshima and the city’s environment in that people began acting irrationally, suffered from injuries and deaths, and it led to erratic environmental occurrences. The atomic bomb affected civilians of Hiroshima in that they began acting irrationally in the hours after the explosion. This irrational behavior can be seen through the actions of Mr. Fukai and Mrs. Kamai. Mr. Fukai was a secretary of the diocese who lived in a mission house with many priests and religious men.When the bomb went off, all of the survivors from the mission house abandoned the pile of rubble that was once their home, and set out for their designated safe area. Father Kleinsorge went to get Mr. Fukai, but irrationally Mr. Fukai refused to leave and said, â€Å"Leave me here to die†(44). Mr. Fukai foolishly said he wanted to die in the burning city. He wasn’t in the right state of mind and therefore was unable to a reasonable decision. Mrs. Kamai, who was found cradling her dead baby, exhibits another example of irrational behavior as a result of the atomic bomb. Hersey relays Mr.Tanimoto’s odd account when he wrote, â€Å"She was crouching on the ground with the body of her infant daughter in her arms. The baby had evidently been dead all day†(60). Holding the dead corpse for four days, Mr. Tanimoto ‘tried to cremate the baby, but Mrs. Kamai only held it tighter’ (81). During this time Mrs. Kamai was unstable and unable to make rational decisions becau se she was in shock as a result of the bombing and the chaos that came with it. Through her desperation to keep her dead baby, Mrs. Kamai demonstrates how the inhuman bombing of Hiroshima led to irrational ehavior. While some Japanese citizens were affected psychologically, others were affected physically. Civilians of Hiroshima were affected by the atomic bomb in that they suffered from severe injuries and burns. Being that this was the first atomic bomb ever used, its physical impact on people was uncertain. However, Father Kleinsorge and Mr. Tanimoto were able to witness the bomb’s physical impact when they were trying to assist the weak and feeble. While on a walk, Father Kleinsorge came across a number of desperate and wounded military men.He described them as â€Å"all in the same nightmarish state: their faces were wholly burned, their eye sockets were hollow, the fluid from their melted eyes had run down their cheeks†(73). Father Kleinsorge’s descriptio n portrays the severity of people’s injuries as a result of the bomb. The immense heat that radiated from the bomb caused these soldiers’ eyes to melt and faces to burn. Another physical effect of the bombing on Hiroshima is portrayed by Mr. Tanimoto. Mr. Tanimoto was trying to assist critically injured victims when he experienced a gruesome event.The bombs affect was apparent when Mr. Tanimoto ‘reached down and took a women by the hands, but her skin slipped off in huge, glove-like pieces’ (65). Mr. Tanimoto was taken back when he pulled off the skin, which indicates that the injuries caused by the bomb were fatal and agonizing. The heat from the bomb caused this victims skin to burn and come off with excruciating pain. However, the bomb didn’t effect just people. When the bomb was dropped on Hiroshima it resulted in an erratic reaction by the environment.Father Kleinsorge noticed these odd environmental patterns while on a walk he noted, â€Å"th rough the wreckage of the city†¦was a blanket of fresh, vivid, lush, optimistic green†(93-94) The town was in ruins, however, now there were flowers blossoming everywhere over the ruble and ashes. The bomb’s purpose was to wipe out all living things, but ironically it unintendedally catalyzed the sporadic growth of flowers and plants. On August 6, 1945 the first ever atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima, Japan. It’s power and abilities were unknown being that it was the first of ts kind. In the book Hiroshima, the bombs affects were seen through the eyes of its survivors. The bomb affected Hiroshima’s citizens in that they exhibited absurd and illogical actions. The environment was also affected in that the bomb triggered natural events that were very uncommon. The inhumane nature of the atomic bomb proves that humans will do anything to get their way despite the consequences. Their desire for power will never change and their methods of warfare are only going to get more and more deadly.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Preparing for a Skype Grad School Interview
Preparing for a Skype Grad School Interview For many graduate programs submitting your application is just the first step in seeking admission. Graduate school admissions interviews are common in many fields. Interviews offer an important opportunity let faculty and members of the admissions committee get to know you, beyond your application materials. Interviews, however, are expensive and time-consuming, especially if you are applying to graduate programs that are far from home. Many, if not most, graduate programs expect applicants to pay their own travel expenses. Because of this, grad school interviews are often described as â€Å"optional.†However, optional or not, it’s in your best interest to make the trip and interview in person. Fortunately, many graduate programs are moving towards conducting interviews by video conferencing via platforms like Skype. Skype interviews permit graduate programs to interview students cheaply and efficiently – and perhaps even squeeze even more applicant intervi ews in than they would in real life. Skype interviews pose special challenges. An interview for admission to graduate study, regardless of whether its on campus or by Skype, means that the admissions committee is interested in you and is your opportunity to demonstrate your fit to the faculty and graduate program. The standard advice about interviews applies, but a Skype interview entails unique challenges. Here are 9 tips to avoid some of the technological and environmental problems that arise during Skype interviews. Share Phone Numbers Share your phone number and have the number for the graduate department or someone on the admissions committee on hand. Should you have difficulties logging in or other technical problems, such as a malfunctioning computer, you’ll want to be able to contact the admissions committee to let them know that you haven’t forgotten about the interview. Otherwise, they may assume that you are no longer interested in admission or that you are unreliable and therefore not a good fit for the graduate program. Consider Your Background What will the committee see behind you? Pay attention to your background. Posters, signs, photos and art can detract from your professional demeanor. Don’t give professors an opportunity to judge you on anything other than your words and persona. Lighting Choose a well-lighted space. Do not sit with your back to a window or light because only your silhouette will be visible. Avoid harsh overhead light. Place a light in front of you, several feet away. Consider using an additional shade or placing a cloth over the lamp to dilute the light. Camera Placement Sit at a desk. The camera should be level with your face. Position your laptop atop a stack of books, if needed, but be sure that it is secure. Do not look down into the camera. Sit far enough away that your interviewer can see your shoulders. Look into the camera, not at the image on the screen – and certainly not at yourself. If you look at the image of your interviewers, you’ll appear to be looking away. Challenging as it may seem, try to look at the camera to simulate eye contact. Sound Be sure that the interviewers can hear you. Know where the microphone is located and direct your speech towards it. Speak slowly and pause after the interviewer finishes speaking. Sometimes video lag can interfere with communication, making it harder to interviewers to understand you or making it appear as if you are interrupting them. Dress Dress for your Skype interview just as you would for an in-person interview. Don’t be tempted to just dress â€Å"on top.†That is, don’t wear sweatpants or pajama pants. Don’t assume that your interviewers will see only the top half of your body. You never know. You might have to stand up to retrieve something and then suffer in embarrassment (and make a poor impression). Reduce Environmental Distractions Keep pets in another room. Leave children with a babysitter or family member – or don’t interview at home. Eliminate any potential sources of background noise, such as barking dogs, crying children, or insensitive roommates. Technological Interruptions Charge your laptop. Preferably, plug it in. Turn off your cell ringer and any other phone in the vicinity. Log out of messaging programs, Facebook, and other apps with sound notifications. Mute notifications in Skype. Make sure that you will not be interrupted by any sounds on your computer. Whatever you hear, your interviewers hear.  Practice Do a practice run with a friend.  How do you look? Sound? Are there any distractions? Are your clothes appropriate and professional? Skype interviews share the same purpose as old fashioned in-person interviews: An opportunity for the graduate admissions committee to get to know you. Preparing for the technological aspects of video interviews can sometimes overshadow the basic interview preparation that will help you learn about the program and put your best foot forward. As you prep, don’t forget to focus on the content of the interview. Prepare responses to common questions that you might be asked as well as questions to ask.  Don’t forget that your interview is also your chance to learn more about the program.  If you’re accepted you’ll spend the next 2 to 6 or more years in graduate school. Be sure that it’s the program for you. Ask questions that are meaningful to you and make the interview work for you.
Monday, October 21, 2019
3 Examples of Erroneous Case Style
3 Examples of Erroneous Case Style 3 Examples of Erroneous Case Style 3 Examples of Erroneous Case Style By Mark Nichol In each of the following examples, a phrase employs incorrect treatment as to whether one or more words begin with uppercase or lowercase letters. An explanation, followed by a revision, points out each error. 1. Three of the children developed Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome, a potentially life-threatening condition with anemia and kidney complications. Names of medical conditions are not capitalized: â€Å"Three of the children developed hemolytic uremic syndrome, a potentially life-threatening condition with anemia and kidney complications.†(Exceptions include surnames, as in â€Å"Crohn’s disease,†or geographical terms, as in â€Å"Asian flu.†) 2. Smith didn’t endear himself to the Beehive state when he refused to participate in a debate scheduled for Monday. All key words in epithets such as state nicknames are capitalized: â€Å"Smith didn’t endear himself to the Beehive State when he refused to participate in a debate scheduled for Monday.†(The article the should be lowercased in such appellations; otherwise, the only state nickname that includes a lowercase word is that of New Mexico: â€Å"the Land of Enchantment.†) 3. Harvard University Accounting Professor John Smith was struck by the growing number of studies showing that most such transactions fail to deliver their intended value over the long term. Usually, when professor (or â€Å"associate professor†or â€Å"assistant professor†) immediately precedes a person’s name, it is treated as a specific job title and is capitalized; an exception, however, occurs when the title is preceded by modifying terms. Here, though â€Å"Harvard University†retains capitalization because of its status as an entity, accounting is also lowercased because the reference is to an academic discipline, not an academic department: â€Å"Harvard University accounting professor John Smith was struck by the growing number of studies showing that most such transactions fail to deliver their intended value over the long term.†(Many writers would also choose to unstack the unwieldy identifying phrase: â€Å"John Smith, a professor of accounting at Harvard University, was struck by the growing number of studies showing that most such transactions fail to deliver their intended value over the long term.†) Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Style category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:How to Format a US Business LetterHow to Punctuate with â€Å"However†Artist vs. Artisan
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Analysis of Fuzzy Logic
Analysis of Fuzzy Logic This was a paper on Fuzzy Logic I wrote for my Programming in C++ Intro class, I dont think it is very good myself. You could probably use it in a intro to computers class, or some kind of high school programming class. I have no idea what I got on the paper, I dont have the graded copy any more. This would be a great paper to use as a starting point. Hope this saves you some time and effort. Fuzzy Logic What is fuzzy logic? How does it differ from conventional logic? Who discovered fuzzy logic? How can it be used today? How is it being used, and by whom? These questions are questions I will attempt to answer in this brief discussion of fuzzy logic, so let us begin. The first and most important question is What is fuzzy logic? Fuzzy logic the logic people use in day to day decisions. Instead of all items falling into one set, as in conventional logic, items can fall into multiple sets. A good example would be the big cat question. There are two sets in this problem The cat is golden, and The cat is black. A lion clearly fits into the first set The cat is golden. A Black Panther clearly fits into the second set The cat is black. But what about a jaguar, it has a golden coat with black spots, it does not clearly fit into any one of the sets, so it a part of both. The main difference between fuzzy logic, and conventional logic is this. Conventional logic holds that something cannot be a mender of two sets. Fuzzy logic holds that things can be a part of multiple sets. The term fuzzy logic was brought forth in 1965 by a professor at the University of Berkeley, named Lofti A. Zadeh. Zadeh wondered why it was that people can base decisions on imprecise, non-numerical information, yet they are better at making complex decisions that machines. These ideas were presented to the world in 1973, in his paper titles Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics. In this paper Zadeh introduced the idea of a linguistic variable, and a fuzzy IF-THEN rule. The concepts introduced in this paper paved the way for real world applications. Now a days fuzzy logic is being used in many different fields, and in many different ways. Some fuzzy-based consumer products include camcorders, washing machines, color TVs, and fuzzy computer chips. Unfortunately the US has been very slow to use this new type of logic. All of the products listed above were created by Japanese companies. Part of the reason US companies were so slow to utilize this new type of logic my stem from cultural differences between the eastern, and western ways of thinking. In conclusion fuzzy logic has many applications that havent even been explored yet, and in some applications it is better than conventional logic.
Friday, October 18, 2019
Discuss the History and Philosophy oh how the First Immortal Cell Line Term Paper
Discuss the History and Philosophy oh how the First Immortal Cell Line was Created from Cervical Cancel Cell - Term Paper Example Henrietta’s cells were the first ever immortal human cells which later proved to be essential in the development of polio vaccinations. They went up in the first ever spaceship sent out of the earth’s atmosphere to determine what happened when human tissue was exposed to zero gravity. Her cells live on, and since 1951 her cells have been used for in vitro fertilization, gene mapping and cloning. Henrietta’s cells, when first put in a petri dish produced a new generation every twenty four hours. HeLa cells, as Lacks cells have come to be known were initially a part of the research into the genes that are cancer causing and the ones that can suppress it. They have so far been used in development drugs for the treatment of leukemia, herpes, hemophilia, influenza and Parkinson’s disease. They have also provided the basis to study and learn more about sexually transmitted diseases (STD’s), lactose digestion, the bacteria that causes appendicitis, human l ongevity, mosquito mating, along with the negative cellular effects of working in sewers. Scientists have studied her cells for her DNA and chromosomes in such detail that they are now familiar with every niche and corner of the spiral that keeps replicating to keep the cells alive.(Skloot, R. 2010 )A high school biology teacher quoted that HeLa’s cell were the most important thing to happen to medical science in the past century. The interesting facts about Henrietta Lacks cells are not widely known but it was discovered that her chromosomes were incompatible with humans. Does this mean that the cells belong to a whole different species? Also, how do HeLa cells replicate and contaminate other cells in laboratory, almost like how weeds in the garden push their way through plants. No other human cells have so far ever been able to behave in this way. The ecological niche of those cells in not just limited to the human body but they have survived for many years outside showing us their ability to expand beyond human cultivation. Carcinoma in situ describes an abnormal growth of cells. Abnormal growth occurs when the stop button in cell growth is broken down and mitosis occurs repeatedly. Since it all started with cancer cells of a woman, we should take a look at the disease that caused scientists to spend so much effort on research. Uncontrolled growth of abnormal body cell is known as malignant cells are known as cancer. Cells in our body form tissues, which later on come together to build organs, so cells are known as the building blocks of life. Even the smallest living microbes have cells. ("History, Travel, Arts, Science, People, Places | Smithsonian Magazine." History, Travel, Arts, Science, People, Places | Smithsonian Magazine. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Apr. 2012). The cells in the body have a life cycle, they die and new cells are made in order to replace the previous dead cells until death. Cancer occurs when normal healthy cells suddenly start reprodu cing without stopping. Sometimes the shape of the cells also starts to change, for example in leukemia, also known as blood cancer, the shape of the red blood cells changes from concave to lunar thus making it inefficient to carry out respiration. This is exactly what happened to Lacks. Her cells in the cervical started reproducing at a very fast rate. This is how doctors were able to do research on them. Definition: ‘
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